Thursday, April 30, 2009

Freaky Anniversary Poems

trip to Europe. Some useful links

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Buon primo maggio.
Prof. Galati

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Paesi Bassi:




Budapest :

















Repubblica ceca:













parchi del Portogallo:,frameless.htm,frameless.htm,frameless.htm


Croatia Split-ne655.phtml

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

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HISTORY - Enlightenment - Part II

Enlightenment thinkers. The economy and politics.

The desire to fight injustice, la miseria e l’ignoranza terrena portò gli illuministi a riflettere attentamente sull’epoca in cui vivevano.

Bisognava usare la ragione per esaminare la società, le usanze, le leggi per comprendere ciò che doveva essere cambiato e migliorato.

Fu condannata l’assurdità della guerra che il “secolo di ferro” aveva conosciuto molto bene: “tutti i vizi di tutte le età e di tutti i Paesi del globo riuniti assieme non uguaglieranno mai i peccati che provoca una sola campagna di guerra” affermò il francese Voltaire , uno dei più importanti intellettuali dell’Illuminismo.


Some scholars began to care about a topic that had previously affected only the kings and their ministers' s economy. One has to understand what were the best choices for increase the wealth of a country .

Adam Smith

Scotsman Adam Smith (1723-1790), considered the founder of this discipline of study, he argued that every individual should be left free to conduct its business ( liberalism ) Because if the government had declined to intervene with regulations and taxes, businesses would have developed rapidly, bringing prosperity and welfare to an increasing number of people.


The Enlightenment claimed the right to freely express their views and criticisms also about the laws and how to govern. If this idea today may seem normal in the eighteenth century was a novelty. Then, except in England (see the section on Glorious Revolution) and the United Provinces, all over Europe claiming that the power of the sovereign derived directly from God

The Enlightenment rejected this principle and stated that the first duty of a ruler was to ensure the happiness public (ie everyone in the country), and then govern in 'subjects of interest.

If this idea was shared by all the enlightened, not everyone agreed on how best to achieve this result.


Some, like Voltaire , were convinced that the ideals of the Enlightenment would fascinated that these rulers and listening to the advice of the philosophes - so they were called the French Enlightenment) would rule to modernize their country. This theory was called enlightened despotism. (from despot à absolute ruler)


It was this idea of \u200b\u200bthe Baron de Montesquieu (1689-1755) . He was convinced it was necessary to create a form of government where the king's authority had precise limits .

Montesquieu ammirava l’Inghilterra dove il potere del Parlamento frenava quello del sovrano (ricorda la redazione del Bill of Rights dopo la Gloriosa Rivoluzione ).

Secondo Montesquieu per governare un Paese dovevano essere messi in pratica tre compiti fondamentali :

- FARE LE LEGGI (potere legislativo)

- FARLE APPLICARE ( potere esecutivo)

- GIUDICARE E PUNIRE chi non le rispetta (potere giudiziario).


Per avere un governo giusto e non oppressivo bisognava impedire che questi tre poteri fossero concentrati nelle mani di una sola persona . Andavano quindi separati e tenuti divisi.

Questa teoria, che Montesquieu scrisse nella sua opera più famosa L’esprit de loi s ( Lo spirito delle leggi ), pubblicata nel 1748, è oggi adottata da tutti i Paesi democratici del mondo. Allora però venne ritenuta pericolosa, tant’è che, nel 1751, venne inserita nell’Indice di Libri Proibiti.


Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Un’idea ancora diversa era quella del ginevrino Jean Jacques Rousseau , aspramente critico nei confronti della proprietà privata e del progresso che, secondo lui sono stati la vera causa dell’infelicità umana. Affermava che l'uomo fosse, in natura, buono, un " buon selvaggio ", ma che fosse stato corrotto in seguito dalla società civile e colta; vedeva questa come un prodotto artificiale nocivo per il benessere degli individui, portandoli alla degenerazione e al vizio.

“Il primo uomo che, avendo recintato un terreno, ebbe l'idea di proclamare questo è mio, e trovò altri così naive as to believe him, he was the real founder of civil society. How many crimes, how many wars, how many murders, how many miseries, many horrors would have saved the human race who, pulling the stakes or filling in the ditch, had shouted to his fellow men: "Beware of impostor from listening to this, if you forget the fruits of all the land belongs to nobody, you are lost! ""

Rousseau was hostile to the monarchy and argued that the best form of government was the Democratic Republic : the people had to be the true sovereign, and then had the right to make laws and choose the most capable leaders, but also to monitor them and remove them if they had acted for the public good.

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CENTURY: The Ilumina - Part I °

The Enlightenment

The Enlightenment is a cultural phenomenon that spreads in the eighteenth century and touches all areas of knowledge.

The Enlightenment were scholars who dealt with different disciplines and often did not share the same opinion.

but had an idea in common: men must learn to only use his own reason to address any problems.

The Enlightenment was not born from nothing. It picked up the legacy of the scientists of the seventeenth century (see Unit dedicated to the scientific revolution). In particular, the Enlightenment learned the method used by these scientists to study the natural world: the experimental method . Do not be satisfied with what had been handed down by tradition, but directly observe the phenomena of nature , discovered through experiments the laws that govern the operation and express through the language of mathematics.

Even in the eighteenth century and then the studies and scientific discoveries progressed unceasingly:

- Swedish Linnaeus and Buffon French boobies increasing knowledge of animals (zoology) and plant (botanical);

- American Franklin and Italian Luigi Galvani and Alessandro Volta made important discoveries about the phenomenon of ' electricity.

The laboratory of Luigi Galvani

The Enlightenment and religion

addition, these scholars had begun to doubt the teachings of Scripture, often facing the harsh reaction of the Church (just think of the case of Galileo).

Proprio riflettendo su queste difficoltà gli illuministi presero a criticare apertamente la religione.

Essi sostenevano che le Chiese (soprattutto quella cattolica) avevano ostacolato i progressi della conoscenza  affermando che la verità era stata rivelata da Dio per mezzo delle Sacre Scritture e che i fedeli dovevano accettarla senza discutere.

Gli illuministi, invece, volevano sottoporre le credenze religiose all’esame della ragione. Ciò che vi era di ragionevole in esse andava conservato, il resto andava respinto in quanto frutto di superstizione.

Non tutti gli illuministi condividevano però le stesse idee in proposito:

- some (the deists ), while criticizing the clergy, the irrational aspects of faith, superstitions and rivalries between different faiths that had led to the wars of religion, believed in the existence of a God good that had created the universe and had given orders;

- others (atheists à by to - without / theos - God ) rejected the whole idea dell’esistenza di Dio. Questi ultimi ritenevano inutile e dannosa qualsiasi religione.


Anche se avevano idee differenti, ateisti e deisti erano d’accordo sul fatto che le religioni tradizionali avevano, nei secoli precedenti, causato guerre e sofferenze. Ciascuna religione infatti aveva ritenuto di possedere l’unica verità e questa convinzione aveva spinto tutte le Chiese a compiere violenze terribili contro gli avversari.


L’Illuminismo lottò per cambiare questa mentalità e per affermare un nuovo principio: la TOLLERANZA. Bisognava stop persecuting people who had different ideas on religion: everyone should be able to live peacefully alongside each other.


The violent polemic against religion contributed to the development of a secular mentality, that is a way of thinking about man and nature is completely different from that proposed by Christianity.

the Illuminati was not interested in heaven or salvation of the soul, they worry about finding the way to reach the Wellness and happiness in earthly life   ed erano convinti che non la religione, ma la scienza e il sapere potessero garantire all’umanità un futuro d continui miglioramenti. 

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HISTORY: Italy Austrian

La guerra di Succesione spagnola.

La fine del dominio spagnolo in Italia.

  Carlo VI d'Asburgo

Nel 1700 morì senza figli Carlo II, the last representative of the Habsburgs in Spain.

He then began a difficult struggle to win the English throne.

The two contenders were:

- Philip of Anjou, grandson of Louis XIV of France. This fact was related with the Habsburgs married a English princess.

- Charles of Habsburg, the son of the emperor and the emperor of the Habsburg of Austria.

The Sun King's grandson Philip of course supported, but this fact bothered several European countries who feared a possible unification of the Kingdoms of Spain and France. So

Charles of Hapsburg could count on Britain, the United Provinces, Prussia and the Duchy of Savoy (the state 150 years later, which will promote the unification of Italy).

The war was inevitable.

Only in 1713 ( Peace of Utrecht) and 1714 ( peace Rastadt ) we came to an agreement: the English possessions were divided.

Spain and its colonies went to Philip, who became king by the name of Philip V. It was the passage of the Iberian crown by the Habsburg dynasty to that of Bourbon (which still reigns in the country).

The English Netherlands (modern Belgium), the Duchy of Milan, the Kingdom of Naples and Sardinia were assigned to Charles of Habsburg, who had become emperor under the name Charles VI.

The Duchy of Savoy had obtained territorial gains ( Sicily and the Piedmont province of Monferrato).

L ' England had obtained from France but some North American territories and Spain the island of Minorca and Gibraltar important for the control of the Mediterranean Sea.

Successivamente Filippo V ottenne la Sicilia dal Ducato di Savoia. In cambio offrì a quest’ultimo la Sardegna. Da allora il Ducato prese il nome di Regno di Sardegna.

Pochi anni più tardi l’Austria di Carlo VI perse molta della sua influenza in Italia, riuscendo a conservare solo il Ducato di Milano   e quello di Parma e Piacenza (più tardi conquistato dagli spagnoli).

Il Regno di Napoli e Sicilia passò a un figlio di Filippo V, Carlo III di Borbone . Inizia così, nel 1738 la dinastia Bourbon southern Italy, destined to last until the unification of Italy.

The Austrians manage to retain some influence over Grand Duchy of Tuscany, where he is setting up the dynasty of Lorraine , related to the Habsburgs of Austria.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

How Many Calories Are In 1 Cup Of Grilled Shrimp

Diary of 2 ° C

Week April 20 to 24

Monday, 20 : completely normal until the last hour. There was no Prof. Molteni, as last Monday, then came to substitute Prof. Herculaneum that has brought us out into the garden. E 'was fun!

Tuesday, 21 : very special day, it was the birthday of the prof Galati. We decided to surprise him with a lot of gifts and cakes. We gave him a book and a pen. As soon as we have seen it coming we hid under their desks and we pulled down the blinds. When we entered yelled "Greetings." Before the gifts came DC waiting outside the door with a sign with cards hanging on the neck and clips in her hair. It was really funny! We celebrated together with the prof ed era molto felice, ha detto che si è commosso.

Mercoledì 22 : giornata piuttosto normale e molto, molto noiosa.

Giovedì 23 : alla 6° ora, durante la spiegazione di un problema D.C. ce ne regala un’altra delle sue. Mentre si dondolava come al solito sulla sedia cade secco a terra. Si è sentito un grande rumore immediatamente seguito dalle nostre risate.

Friday 24 : the interval between the 5th and 6th hour has slipped into our class Bergantino, 3 ° c. he sat next to last row in place of SB FB Prof. Galati at first did not notice him, then when she saw me exclaimed "oh no! You again! "And everyone laughed.

Biography: LA & GC

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Test Local Connection

HISTORY: The seventeenth century absolutism

Il secolo dell’Assolutismo

La Francia del Re Sole

Il Seicento è anche il secolo in cui si afferma un modo di governare chiamato assolutismo .

Questo ebbe particolare successo in Francia, sotto il regno di re Luigi XIV , dello il Re Sole .

Luigi XIV

Re Luigi voleva eliminare ogni limite alla sua autorità e, per conseguire questo obiettivo, cercò di eliminare diverse antiche tradizioni.

Un limite al potere del re era rappresentato dalle Assemblee degli Stati Generali (1° Stato = clero; 2° Stato = aristocrazia; 3° Stato = cittadini, professionisti…). Gli Stati Generali avevano il compito di esaminare le leggi esaminate dal sovrano . Se le ritenevano ingiuste o dannose potevano criticarle e ritardare la loro entrata in vigore.

Luigi XIV stabilì che i Parlamenti erano obbligati ad approvare le decisioni del re . Al limite, dopo averle approvate potevano esprimere delle lamentele, comunque inutili, perché il re non era tenuto a prestarvi ascolto.

Il Re Sole divise la Francia in trenta zone, chiamate Généralités . In each of them sent the stewards, that of officials directly appointed by the king, who could replace them at will when they had not performed his orders.

The stewards were responsible for enforce laws, collect taxes to and administer justice. In this way the king could exercise its power even in the remotest provinces of France.

The Sun King also understood that to maintain balance his power was necessary to strictly control the nobility . Louis XIV did not trust it at all of the nobles, who several times during the '600 had staged revolts against the kings of France.

With them, the king used the tactics of carrot and stick approach: they took the tasks of government the most important and delicate, given only to persons of strict confidence and not from the aristocracy. While at the same time covered them with honors and riches, but forcing them to live in luxurious new court of Versailles, where he could control them closely.

The Palace of Versailles

a very serious act committed by King Louis XIV in 1685, was the withdrawal (withdrawal, cancellation) dell’ Editto di Nantes , proclamato, come abbiamo già visto, da suo nonno, Enrico IV (vedi sopra). Il re, che era cattolico, non voleva che esistesse nel suo regno il diritto a praticare religioni diverse dalla sua. In questa maniera circa 200.000 ugonotti, a cui non era più permesso praticare la propria religione, fuggirono dalla Francia verso i Paesi protestanti: per il Paese fu un grave danno, perché tra gli ugonotti vi erano molti banchieri, imprenditori e commercianti abili e ricchi.

Il re Sole desiderava fare della Francia il Paese più potente d’Europa. Per far questo era necessario creare un grande esercito . E così fece: tra il 1664 e il 1703 l’esercito francese passò dai 45.000 soldati ai 400.000, il più grande d’Europa. E nemmeno Luigi aveva intenzione di lasciare i suoi soldati con le mani in mano: dei 54 anni del suo regno, ben 37 furono segnati da guerre! Se in un primo momento la Francia ottenne grandi successi soprattutto ai danni dell’ormai debole Spagna, questa politica aggressiva fece si che numerosi paesi europei si alleassero contro il re Sole , per cui egli non riuscì a raggiungere risultati di grande importanza. Oltretutto le guerre costano e per poterle fare bisognava inasprire le tasse, danneggiando gravemente i sudditi tenuti a pagarle (il Terzo Stato).

Altri sovrani absolute

Other European monarchs tried to imitate, with varying degrees of fortune, the model of the Sun King's watchwords were:

- create a strong army well-trained professionals.

- Create a bureaucracy efficient and reliable, as the stewards of the French, so that the taxes were paid and respected the king's orders.

- Limit privileges and the power of the nobles and clergy .

These attempts were unsuccessful in Prussia and Russia .

Prussia was one of the elective principle of the Holy Roman Empire, but after the Thirty Years' War its rulers, the Hohenzollern , won the post of king. Much later, in 1871, the Kingdom of Prussia was born the modern Germany.

The Russia was a country very backward compared to Western European countries. In 1689 he ascended the throne tsar (emperor) Peter I, known as the Great . He was fascinated by the culture EU, notably from the Dutch, who strove in every way possible to introduce in Russia, colliding hard with the aristocrats. To endeavor to bring his country to the West, he built a new capital on the shores of the Baltic Sea, the city that gave its name: Petersburg (the name changed several times in the course of history: St. Petersburg, Petrograd, Leningrad and, again, St. Petersburg, as it is called today).

Much more unfortunate was the attempt of the King ' England, Charles I . Even in this country, the king, before Louis XIV, sought to limit the power of the assemblies, which here is called parliaments, and had a different composition than in the French general.

I parliaments in England were much stronger than in France and managed to firmly oppose the intentions of the king to rule without consulting them. From this confrontation came in 1641 , a violent civil war also assumed that religious characteristics. Charles I was a supporter of the Anglican, while the rebels, led by Oliver Cromwell , were mostly Puritans (the English version of Calvinism).

Oliver Cromwell

Cromwell era un abilissimo comandante militare e il suo esercito riuscì a sconfiggere quello del re che fu imprigionato e condannato a morte nel 1649 .

Centra La decapitazione di Carlo I Stuart

Nel Paese fu proclamata la Repubblica , ma in realtà Cromwell governò fino al 1658 da vero dittatore , quasi da sovrano assoluto, tanto che gli inglesi, delusi dall’esperienza repubblicana, offersero il trono al figlio del re che avevano ucciso, Carlo II . Ancora una volta però i contrasts with the Parliament and became unbearable were felt during the reign of James II , brother of Charles II. Not only do they pretended to govern alone, but it was also converted to Catholicism, which made the British fear new wars of religion.

James attempted to govern without Parliament because he regarded his own power ILIMIT, absolute. Parliament judged unacceptable behavior of the king and, in 1688, he decided to oust him. He was called to help the staolder (Head of State) Dutch William III of Orange, husband of the daughter of James II, Mary Stuart . The

stadtholder landed in England with his army, but on his arrival the king had already fled: the Parliament was able to get rid of the supernatural without shedding a drop of blood, so the event buckets called Glorious Revolution.

The House of Commons,

one of the two Houses of Parliament English

William and Mary were proclaimed sovereign, but before being crowned had to swear to respect the Declaration of the Rights ( Bill of Right ) preparata dal Parlamento.

In questo documento si diceva che l’assemblea parlamentare aveva il diritto di:

-          approvare o respingere le nuove tasse proposte dal re

-          fare le leggi ( potere legislativo )


Inoltre i sovrani dvevano garantire ai sudditi alcuni diritti fondamentali:

-          il diritto di non essere arrestati arbitrariamente ( libertà personale )

-          il diritto di dire e pubblicare il proprio parere senza essere puniti ( libertà d'espressione e di stampa )

-          la libertà di religione (che però non valeva per i cattolici)


Era nato uno Stato di tipo nuovo , unico in Europa: il re governava insieme al Parlamento che rappresentava il popolo inglese e limitava il potere del re.

In realtà solo i sudditi più rich had the right to elect their members of Parliament.

He had deleted the old idea that the King derived his powers from God and therefore had the right to rule without limits. From that moment he began to argue that the king received the right to govern by his subjects and therefore should be accountable to them.