Sunday, June 28, 2009

Temperature Grow Saffron

Reading under an umbrella - tips for summer reading

Ciao a tutti. Ci siete ancora?
Come promesso, eccovi qualche suggerimento di lettura per l'estate (e oltre...).
Ah... dimenticavo! Vi do l'indirizzo del sito web realizzato dal Sistema Bibliotecario della Brianza, dove troverete un sacco di proposte di lettura interessanti e adatte alla vostra età. Eccolo:


Serge Quadruppani
C'è qualcuno in casa
Salani Editore

(You night, three boys are alone in their large house just outside the village: the mother has the night shift at the hospital and the pope is no more. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming from the attic. The glass door is was forced open, there are traces of blood on the floor ... there is someone else in the house over to them?)

Anne-Laure Bondouy
Tears dellassassino
Edizioni San Paul

( The story is set on the edge of the world, in Tierra del Fuego, in a
place so far and primitive as to be almost a metaphor for the world
. There is a murderess escape took refuge in his soul and ice is slowly heated and shaken
dallinnocenza innate and spontaneous than a boy in need of guidance and support. A story to the extent possible, a raw and rigorous style that does not stop at the enormity of the tragedy and that digs into the thoughts of a murderess who do not find the man he is in him.
But when the two leave their solitary life in the isolated farm and go to town, the murderess is found in contact with the world, that the police search and social dynamics from which he fled. The boy is hungry for life and relationships and looking for a life normal, the old murderess feels hunted, his only possible life is on the edge of the world's farm. The plot is complicated, the adventure comes alive with the unexpected and thicken. You can not come to terms with the guilt and justice, but at the same time we can not stop a guy who has a lifetime ahead of him as a wonderful precious vase to be filled.)

Mikael Engstrom
The gang of three-legged dog

( Life is not easy for Dogg and Lars, who suffer daily harassment of rival gang di Via dell’Industria. La situazione precipita quando Dogge segna un gol, fratturando il naso al portiere dei temibili avversari. In una fuga che pare senza scampo, i ragazzi finiscono per trovarsi coinvolti in un incidente stradale, nella vendita di pesce inquinato pescato illegalmente e a dover rubare riviste porno da un distributore automatico, con la polizia sempre alle calcagna. Come se non bastasse incontrano un ragazzino davvero strano che si unisce alla loro banda, per non parlare dell’inquietante presenza di un cane a tre zampe nella discarica che hanno scelto come quartier generale, per non dire rifugio...)


Domenica Luciani

(Questo è l’incipit del libro: “Ricordo perfettamente quel giorno perché a scuola ho fatto una colossale figura di ci-a-doppia ci-a (per la cronaca: odio il suono delle parolacce e se proprio devo dirle preferisco fare lo spelling all’inglese)”…un incipit che fa subito venire voglia di leggerlo tutto, non vi sembra? Chi parla è un ragazzo di tredici anni, all’incirca quindi proprio come voi, che si chiama Ozzy, come un famosissimo cantante di rock duro, musica che piaceva alla Her mother was young (he rather sucks) ... "But as I like Ozzy, is the only thing that I have nerve. If I called Mario would have been a candidate for suicide. " Ozzy makes Loffi last name, and told his companions the Loffi, a nickname that says it all ... in fact, Ozzy is a shy and clumsy, really clumsy. Ozzy said in a funny way, in language that surely will enjoy it, his adventures take him on tour to Italy, accompanied by a series of strange characters and a more extravagant the other. It 's a really funny book, witty, full of jokes, but at the same time he also think (as you can not identify with Ozzy?) ... to read in one breath! I forgot ... other books on Sunday Luciani who go to great (and that are in our library): Cottages at the cemetery, Tommy Largo Shark, Secret Cinema, The school hell, my 12 th winter magic. I hope you enjoy reading!
Your librarian Patricia)

Novels centered on the problems of adolescents

Paul Ngoi Bakola
Stroke head

(Vedi scheda libro di Marco O. nella "Biblioteca della 2° C)

Paola Zannoner
Dance. Storia d'amore senza etichette

( Dodici anni e mezzo e una vita da ballare: la giovane Robin proprio non riesce a trovarsi a suo agio con le compagne di classe, dedite unicamente a trucchi e pettegolezzi. Ha solo amici maschi e una grande passione: l'hip-hop, quel ballo scatenato che le permette di esprimere i suoi sentimenti. E' così brava che il padre la iscrive alla scuola di danza; lì incontra un ballerino classico troppo gentile e aggraziato per essere accettato dai compagni: Guido, così diverso da tutte le persone che Robin ha conosciuto nella sua vita. Solo nella danza i due ragazzi sono se stessi: liberi da aspettativi ed etichette, liberi dai condizionamenti. Che cosa nascerà dalla loro amicizia? )

Storia e problematiche sociali

Jerry Spinelli
Misha corre

( Varsavia 1939. Un bambino senza identità e passato corre e ruba per sopravvivere.
Viene "adottato" da un gruppo di orfani ebrei che vivono di furtarelli e in particolare Uri, il più grande e responsabile, si prende cura di lui, gli trova un nome - Misha - e una storia, tutta inventata, che fa subito sua.
Giorno dopo giorno, Misha scopre le atrocità cui gli ebrei di Varsavia sono sottoposti, ma le vive con lostupore e l'ingenuità di un bambino, che non sa nulla dell'odio e del male. La sua innata e spiazzante generosità, il suo modo ingenuo, ma acuto, di guardare alla realtà che lo circonda, fanno di lui un piccolo, inconsapevole, "eroe". E offrono al lettore, ragazzo o adulto che sia, un originale punto to view the tragedy of the Holocaust and, specifically, about the events of the Warsaw ghetto.)

Luigi Garlando
why my name is John

( John is a Palermo child. For its tenth birthday, his father gave him a special day: a trip through the city, to explain why, of all the possible names, he was chosen for John. Step by step, taking into account key moments of the life story of Giovanni Falcone, his commitment, victories and defeats, the disclaimers, the epilogue. John discovers that his father does not speak of abstract things: the Mafia is also in school, is in the bully boy who torments others, is complicit in the silence that surrounds the misdeeds. The Mafia is an enemy to be fought immediately, without waiting to become great, but requires you to make choices and suffer the consequences. )

Deborah Ellis
I am a taxi. A small courier of drugs in Bolivia.

( Bolivia, 2000. Diego is a boy of 12 years in prison for three lives with his mother and sister. The Pope is held in another wing of the same prison. are una famiglia povera, che si guadagnava da vivere lavorando la terra di altri e sono stati arrestati perché un giorno, andando al mercato, la polizia ha perquisito il camion su cui viaggiavano e ha trovato della droga nascosta di cui non sapevano nulla. Non essendo un vero detenuto, Diego ha il permesso di uscire di prigione, e così riesce a guadagnare qualcosa facendo il fattorino per altri detenuti. Ma deve stare attento, perché là fuori la vita è difficile e i trafficanti di cocaina sono sempre alla ricerca di giovani corrieri...)


Katherin Marsh
Lo strano caso di Jack Perdu nell'aldilà
The Beaver

( The protagonist is a 14 year old boy named Jack. At school he was given the task of translating Ovid's Metamorphoses, a task that absorbs it totally. Very distracted with a small car accident and his father sent him to New York for a medical examination. After the first visit and decided to return to visit the historic Grand Central, the station's oldest city and here is an incredible step in the afterlife and to find If a girl his age named Euri who decides to accompany him.)

Friday, June 12, 2009

Is My Nose Considered Wierd

Good Bye, Au revoir, Auf Wiedersehen, LA Revedi, DO SVIDANIJA ... SEE OUR INTERVIEW

June 12, 2009. Last day of school.

Professor. of letters proposed to play a game of bingo to the European Union.

No numbers, but the city in their place, to find the folder-map available to each player.

To make the game more sparkling and test the ability of its talented students, the sadistic prof. proposes the name of the city drawn in the form of riddle

"English city whose name is also that of an ice cream flavor."

"BORDEAUKS" intervenes triumphant "er Colt." But he says exactly as you read!


Congratulations! Three errors in one word. A record, I guess ...

1) Bordeauks not pronounce, but rather to Bordeaux.

2) Bordeaux is not the name of an ice cream flavor, but rather a wine.

3) Among other things, is not in Spain but in France.

Well, a triumphant exit from the scene, I think.

Best wishes for a good summer ... hope to see you all again in September.

Good Holidays

Prof. Gianluca Galati

Dual Sub Box 87-93 Mustang


our correspondent FROM STOCKHOLM

1 ) What do you know about Italy ? What's your opinion about it?

I know Italy provides good establishments for tourists-wich is its own chapter I suppose.
I think the government seem corrupt, and sometimes a bit clownish. I think the country is far from justice when it comes to its people in general. Too many are out of jobs and struggling to get food on the table. Too many is giving in to the criminal side in being able to survive.  
I think the country itself is astonishing with its history and beauty. I think the people are way to old fashioned in many ways, wich sometimes could be charming. I also think of it as a country in development.

2)     If we come to Stockholm , what would you suggest us to visit?


I suggest you visit Stockholm , Gothenburg and Uppsala . Preferably Stockholm . Very sweet capitol. You shoud see the kings castle, Cultural house


3)     We read in our geography book that on Sweden , S. Lucia is very important. Can you describe it to us?


St Lucia day is on the 13th of Dec, and it is a much celebrated day. Usually the show takes place in a church but it the events has grown so big that it also appears in shopping centers and other publical places. You have between 10-100 depending on where it takes place, women and men or girls and boys walking silently holding candles. They walk together to where they are to be standing singing christmas songs gently. The event is very peaceful and beautiful and sends the swedes into a sense of christmas. Lucia is walking first with a crown of candles in her hair. They all are wearing white gowns.  

4)     Can you explain how you celebrate Christmas,   Easter, Carnival and other festival?


Easter is celebrated with family gatherings and food. We eat chicken, eggs special swedish fish with diffrerent sauses and we hand out eastereggs to the kids. hey are usualy filled with candles. And the kids get one from usually each guest so...they can recieve quite a few..

Christmas is different I think but for most families the day to celebrate is on the 24th.
There´s a show that begins around 4 during the day wich is a sweet almost obligation to c.
Cartoons are on, and it´s the same cartoons every year!! Disney.
Then we eat eat and eat-especially the christmas ham wich is like the americans turkey in importance.  
We also eat meatballs and boild potatos along with that oddly tasting fish again and salmon and oatmeal-the same kind you wanna give Santa who comes for a visit usually after dinner with christmasgifts.
Swedes likes to drink schnaps as well and it´s simply a sweet jolly time during the whole day.

Then there´s april 30th. Day of the Bonfires. From the beginning it was said that the evil wiches of spring were to be frightened by us lighting huge bonfires in special places. Nowadays we gather at a public place where lots of wood has been put together and is being lit in the evening. There´s dancing, and you can buy hot dogs and stuff like that. Great for the kids.


5)     What’s the most important festival in Sweden ?


Pride festival I think is the most important one. But then we have jazzfestivals, Sweden Rock festival and The restaurants day that usually kicks ass.


6)     We heard about the “ water festival”. What is it?

Water festival no longer exists. Thank GOD! It was too expensive and to wishy washy.


7)     What is the most popular sport in Sweden ?


Ice hockey and soccer.


8)     Apart from the capital city, Stockholm , what places would you suggest to visit to an Italian tourist in Sweden ?


Gothenburg, Uppsala


9)     What are the most famous dishes of the Swedish cookery? Are there any popular by tradition?


Famous dishes:
Panncakes, waffles, Meatballs, and that strange fish again (surströmming)


10)   Is Italian cookery well- know in Sweden ?


Italian cooking is very well known in Sweden-not to the common households but definetely amongs many and in reastaurants and such.

11)     Concerning school, What subjects do you study? What’s you timetable like? Till what age is school obligatory?   Have you got optional activities and workshop? What are you classrooms like? Have you got a gym or laboratories? Do you wear a uniform?  


School; Hmm-that´s a big one.  
You begin 1st grade when you´re 5-6 years old. No uniforms (never uniforms).
The first three years in school is called the Lower period or Small period.
The middle period is 4th grade to 6th grade.
The High period is 7th grade to 9th grade. You get grades from the 7th grade and depedng on the grades you have when you graduate from the 9th grade and your interests in becoming whatever it is you wanna do for a living, you´ll choose the final education wich is called Gymnasium.  
Gymnasium is normally 3 years but it also exists 4 year variants.
Me for example, after finishing ninth grade I was sick of school so I took a vacant year and worked. This is something that is provided and financed for those who feel they need to gather strength b4 entering the gymnasium. So that they ca pull it through you know.
After working for one year I´d had the time to really think about what I was interested in so I choosed an education in a gymnasium a couple of miles from where I live. It was called Media-information and commercial. The  grades you recieve from the gymnasium is the ones that are supposed to either qualify for work, or continue studying at universitys or such.

In theMiddle period, usually 4th grade- English is introduced and stays as a basic subject throughout the high period and gymnasium. Basic subjects are also Maths, Swedish, History and Society knowledge. These subjects you can not fail in. If you do so your complete gradesystem is unvalid. But other then those you also have Sports, Nature, American History, Biology, physics, Sexual knowledge, chemistry and I´m sure a few variations has arrived in the past couple of years. Every school has either acces to, or its own gym, dining room and chill out area. Every school has rooms fitted to the subject. Perhaps not when it comes to sexual knowledge though. ha ha But if you have a class in chemstry you go to the lab on so on.

When you begin the High period you can also choose to learn another language. English, french, or german. Plus you get introduced for new subjects like computer knowledge, cooking, childcare, businesseconomy, and so forth.
Time tables from the Lower period is around 8 in the morning - 2- 3 in the afternoon.
In the Higher period classes end around 4 in the afternoon.
The same teacher in classes up to 7th grade, then they differ.


12)   We red about sami people. What do you know about them?


Sami people live very high up in the north of Sweden . It is a cultural miracle that they still live and breed..because they hav not at all followed in society change. They live without electricity, money, education-and all civil matters they do not participate in. They are a happy, peaceful race that sort of are in charge over the reindeers. It is difficult to explain, but seeing a sam is very uplifting. I met one once when I was younger and I was way up in the north. I remember a she gave me a necklace and looked into my eyes and smiled for a long time. Her teeth were bad but there was something soft about her. A bit mysterical I senced. So sams they do what they do and we, the other swedes don´t really know what it is. They keep very much to themselves.