Sunday, January 31, 2010

Blue Bandanas Clothes 4 Sale

History of the 'Ndrangheta

La 'Ndrangheta nasce a metà dell'Ottocento e si afferma nei successivi 50 anni grazie alla scarsa presenza nel territorio delle autorità. Prima come piccoli nuclei di picciotti a Maropati, Gioia Tauro, Sinopoli, Iatrinoli, Radicena, Molochio, Polistena, Melicuccà, San Martino di Taurianova, Palmi, nella Locride a San Luca, Africo, Staiti, Casalnuovo e nella cintura di Reggio Calabria a Fiumara, Villa San Giovanni e nella stessa Reggio Calabria. Poi man mano con organizzazioni sempre più grandi e potenti, la 'Ndrangheta - definita come una "setta che nulla teme" - si impone in tutta la regione. Nel 1897 a Seminara il Maresciallo Michele discovers Mocchetti picciotteria with the first code of rules and obligations, gains, depending on the grade.

military and economic development of the 'Ndrangheta is achieved more easily if the state is absent or minimally present in the territory. For the absence or scarcity, the organization 'ndranghetistica takes advantage of the views below:

· Economy: with fewer checks, patrols, searches, it is certainly easier to undertake acts and trafficking

· political / military also becomes easier to tighten the grip on the territory, eliminating rival gangs, bend to its other directors and / or local government officials, and create and consolidate a very strong social safety net.

· cultural part of the community then you can root the idea that the only form of control of the territory is 'ndranghetistica, and then the' Ndrangheta, which we must address if we want to solve some problems.

latter idea (if I get something I have to talk to the boss) may lead, always in a limited part of the population, another idea, consequential damages, then the state is the enemy, if the State decides to fight back begins against my interests, so I am on the side of the 'Ndrangheta.


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