you know, maybe he likes more females in your herd, and therefore the choice is the object of contention. And he chooses TE, et joy joy, happy to spend the evening drawing envious glances, pleased to have won the battle and went home together giuliva waving a new phone number. Ole. Part of the swing
sms with expectations, the sclera, the reading of invisible signals ... and the chimera of the infamous first date. And then? I'm jumping cippus call for billions of reasons, first of all the cialtroneria object of contention.
sms with expectations, the sclera, the reading of invisible signals ... and the chimera of the infamous first date. And then? I'm jumping cippus call for billions of reasons, first of all the cialtroneria object of contention.
After several cases that more or less follow the process described above, I decided to do the math, because math is not an opinion. The average price of an SMS is € 0.10 which must be added the variables time, stress and investment flirtereccio hold to an average of 15 a day ...
€ 0.10 x 15 = 1.50 €
Mettiamo il caso che la cosa vada avanti per una settimana
1.50 x 7 = 10.50 €
Prezzo medio di uno spritz € 4.00
Stay tuned… Till the break of Dawn.
P.s. non siete in molti a leggere, perĂ² mi scuso per l’ assenza. Ho avuto un piccolo incidente, ma adesso tutto bene!
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