I receive via this public Etra et eziandio cubes (Dissertation Student Intended Imperfettastilizzazione NOnostantetutto) of our trusty collaborator Brodin, who each went away with eating copious Mamelle the science of big wire cage.
The Dadina about the future viewing, by Brodin said, the recent DVD release (Video-Destilizzata degeneration) of the famous work of Bonaventure Mistacca, Copritore the Rocky, which I still remember Elevator in the splendid edition date in 1859 (Or 1959, but these are trifles) with stylized falsistissima Magdi Allamvero (who greets everyone with affection), a great diva (ebbeh, I I had already retired, you want) and of the great Rocky Hispanic Vivaldi, good Chiffonet Achilles Ettorini (berciante elsewhere, but here also piacquette cage, which is a guarantee of all truth) ... In short, a great cast, not to object. I am attaching the flyer so you can ripulirvici eyes. Greetings to myself, Judith heaven.

begins here Diced Brodin:
Eccheccasso ... The record company decided to publish Penthouse is bullshit, of course I decided that I had to auks see it because I understand we delight to look at the filth so I feel particularly knowledgeable when it comes to singing and I smalignare why or what I like about items that appear smalignare subinguinali all barking and now we know mica sing once more like mica is sung today even more but I say at least 50 years from now eh mica yesterday.
I care about me as a beloved and magnificent plays a singer has to sing the mica stand there and do the orangutan on the stage because if I want to see orangutans in the scene well go to the park and maybe even hear the sounds correctly in form and because that is stylized and then at least it takes a sumptuous voice e quanto meno che il Gabbietti ne dica bene ma siccome il Gabbietti è ito allora non può più dir bene di nessuno sicché nessuno sarà detto bene da Gabbietti e allora nessuno avrà mai più voce sontuosa e in maschera e stilizzata.
Dunque veniamo ai cantanti solisti di questo Rocky il Copritore uscito per la Penthouse allora c'è la solita Carmen Economicosi che fa un'Adriana moglie di Rocky tutta spingi spingi che lo stringi e poi non sa recitare anche se a me non me ne frega una fava di Giobbe ma davvero quanto è poco brava l'Economicosi a recitare è quasi sorprendente ma poi come canta Dio mio pare un sifone rotto con qualche ingorgo quasi come una pentola a pressione con il coperchio sigillato Adriana ready to explode and no you do not sing like that and then I wonder how Rocky is shouting his love for her by the ring if this seems like a pesciaia I personally would give me a leg and then recites it is not the monologue of Act III it takes more insinuation against the whore Knorr and then at the end when you step Sol1-G7 needs to be stylized and then nothing to do this screams like a monkey macaca and then I will resend it to feel great and after that decide Magdi seriously change jobs.
I liked most of the Chiffonet Fofò Padovozzi that is part of his somewhat 'frufru and it is so called because it wears the cloak of chiffon as interpretation and really I liked since I found it in part but that hound whose voice has gone through the bone mon dieu where we are but a few of the police dog unit of a suburban delegation for Diana and Actaeon?
the terrible evil whore Knorr Brigitta Littlehorns which has a smooth voice too far from what the advocates Gabietti in his famous essay You sit here vox nimium fair Melius foret culum to give viam really bad for charity.
Comungue you touch the bottom even has catapulted us in and we will also be a facade with violent content Gioselito Vargasso that really makes a Rocky più che a Silvestro Montone tenutario del ruolo alla creazione pare la versione ipertrofica di un qualunque Jean-Claude de la Sensualité Vendôme o altri omuncoli quali Neronegro oggi dittatore di non ricordo più quale stato colombiano troppo lezioso e delicagato sto Vargasso che si crede forse di non dovere affrontare il terribile Mason Dixon che per fortuna non deve cantare altrimenti sapete che quintetto non oso pensare.
Ecco spero che il mio DADINO sia stato saporito a piacere alla Giuditta è piaciuto molto dice che ha dato rilievo alla sua minestra di fiele di scrofa.
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