Merlina in Ascensore
down now ascended the theater opens with Merlin Menedelejev his marathon classicara. Evening, yesterday evening, torn between tradition and philological crap, and innovation. The entries (but I'm still here to discuss ... I do not sing most since 1851 ...) were obviously in great defect. Defect sound, just as they did not feel that seemed to sing with her head thrown into a funnel sealed with silicone. Needless to say the evening went without leaving too many traces, including whistles and addressed to buuu Megacess, who played the role of Amelialastregacheammalia, and director Corsen Nodepoi, which has deprived the beautiful (and very clear I would say) the whole book of his fanciful magic order to produce a filthy sluts with maids and the like, and applause aborted following the sacred quiet (and caspiterina, if you tell me to shut up there is a reason, right?) from gallery. The show was a real feel-good crap that ciofeche despite some forums with your ears full of shit continue saying at all costs ... I assure you that last night we were all'ammazzacaffè ... nothing but fruit!
starred as the Soprano Merlina arteries, with the only natural means is able to prevail on the rest of the cast ... the voice is naturally beautiful and large, the sin fines sbracare techniques that lead to the serious, open the center and go back with the voice, the result of all this foul and a technical approach really just stylized. The alloy has gone to hell more than once ... I do not feel more like a true bound was to Dame Jenny Northerland, thanks to its bungled grammelot there was one stone to understand what he was saying, but my goodness that bound! A paradise of sound that you will be prevented from modern listeners to hear the rest of your life. As for the style then, seemed a perfect Beatin Cavalry Urbana, who seemed to feel an animal slaughtered every recitative rather than a prima donna of Belcanto stylized eighteenth century. More
to the place stylistically Ruggione Munich Peas who presented but vocal organization's voice ... horror movies has never been in the right position all the states in form, always perched at the bottom of the esophagus that seemed volesse uscire dal culo più che dalla bocca…ed effettivamente l’effetto è stato poco diverso!! Assolutamente peteggiante, infatti, il Verdi prati falcidiato inoltre dai vistosi tagli. Quanto al canto di agilità…boh…chi l’ha sentito??
Veniamo ora alla Amelialastregacheammalia della Megacess vera croce, senza delizia, di questa scalcinata Merlina. Una Megacess in grado di rendere un must del belcanto settecentesco un must del ridicolo con suoni talmente fissi che somigliavano più ad un fischio di richiamo per gli uccelli o ad una nutria in amore, che ad una cantante lirica alle prese con una delle più belle e difficili arie mai belcanto settecentesco.
Brad Khristine Marameo totally lacked penetration and volume of the central area completely deaf ... that seemed to have lined his mouth with cotton wool, agility at the fair, artist useless.
As for men would be the proverbial icing pitiful really a must, but tell the truth to say that the standard interpretation of the role of a cowherd who seemed more Oronzo Bercia bringing the cows to pasture a professional singer, and the low, the 'Oplites horrible, looked like a cow above ... argh!
only positive note of the evening, the director finally has avoided Antonietti sfrantecarci pendants with stroke, high mass, and perverse lusts classic ... complice anche lui, però, nell’aver scelto ‘sti berciazzi incapaci di affrontare persino un banalissimo passaggio Sol1-Sol 5, privi di vera tecnica stilizzata di canto…
La regia di Corsen Nodepoi è stato il vero bersaglio di questa guerra santa loggionistica. Operazione più psico-masturbatoria che colta quella di Corsen Nodepoi che ha voluto privare l’opera Mendelejeviana di tutta la sua metaforica e poetica magia, per abbassarla a squallido quadretto perverso e borghese fatto di sevette imputtanite, borghesi mondani e uomini ignudi.
Signori miei, se questa è Merlina io sono…Giulia Grisi!!!
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