Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hipaa Employer Require Medical

Got Mail Pasta, vol. 91 - Correspondence with Bruttini on "Law"

By popular demand - we have really flooded with lovely, as orchioclastiche, petitions about it - here's a new episode, the ninety-first to be precise, the successful series of articles where the ever-loving and Heavenly Judith, the goddess of these arenas, authorizes me to publish beautiful treasure chest of pearls from his personal archive.

Since I recently spoke with a knowledge that seems more bathed in flashes of lightning ultramondani that my poor mind, of the genesis of the law of master Perdenzio Bruttini, here is a brief exchange of correspondence between said musician and Our adoratissima, always think well of stylized teacher and to sing better. The letters date from a few days after the mandate issued by the chamberlain to Naposilveone dear master, who was then at Cremona, staying with one of his many lovers.

Start Bruttini therefore, in a letter aimed at involving the Diva nell'estemporaneo project

Cremona, the eighth day of Vulcanodì canteens mille'nto'trenta septembre et a,

Perdenzio cantrice Iudita Pasta Bruttini the sweetest, the Chapel de 'Conti Semeladai palatine and soprano voice to 'only from' royal theaters Parmareggio, salute, and the consistency of every affection, faithful in remembrance every hour of libations, and many protestations of courtly love that offered such great artistic beauty in his ducal court um.issimo servant à la Felistrozzo of the Oceans.

E 'unspeakable case, my most gentle lady, who, while almost despaired all'Ascenzore to return one day, so I feared that already had its full load of other very talented musicians, m'arrivò rat as a bird in flight, such a message of the mighty Naposilvione where notarized desire I had to write for his birthday and gratifieth a powerful drama of invoice see to it that all the people of Medioli unito in un fiato solo potesse meglio celebrar sua gloria estrema.

Donde m'accostai al cembalo e notturnamente, quasi preso da ardor che dan gl'Iddii, mi misi a componere e componetti tanto che al risveglio il Sol nascente ritrovò Bruttini sommerso da catasta di carte. Benedette queste carte, Iudit colendissima! E avendo voi ammente le componetti, voi sola. Orvia, ecco, vi mando con queste mie un saggio del mio penare. Che lo leggiate e, se v'è grato, lo cantiate a maggior gloria del silvestre eroe in quel dell'asceso teatro, altro non saprei dimandarvi, né sperare.

La Pasta, che allora si trovava in ammollo on the Euphrates River, a tributary of Martesana, preheat the Gallo-precision on-Nail (now Gallarate), read, sang, and said

Gallo nail - Eremetedie eleventh day of September one thousand 'nt thirty one

Giuditta Pasta, supernal cantrice the Imperial Chapel, Chapel of the music teacher' accounts Semeladai Palatini, teacher of music Cappella de 'Marquis Grate and Admitted to' only 'Theatre Royal Parmareggio of the Basilica and the Basilica Cathedral Medioli gentile de 'noble viri Felistrozzo Hake and oceans, to the singer Perdenzio Bruttini,

the greeting and loving kindness that ought to who is the subject of mercy, and compassion.

I'm really surprised, my dear, that you invited me to such manifestations of low flattery he 'against men more accustomed to the malpractice of forests, not the kindness which I, an artist of the degree to I have the honor, I was accustomed long continuance.

However much I liked your courage and almost a ye repent, your natural inclination to learn the secrets of my will. So you see what merto si face, nel volgo, alle sorelle Lecisio per essersi da tempo svelate prone a tanto sire? E a tanto giunsero per essersi talora prodotte a' scene da lui condotte. Ebbene, pur sia. Giuditta canterà per desso ottentotto e tanto bene che forse cangerà pensieri, e tosto tornerà dov'egli s'en venne. O santo ardor di patria, quanto mi scuoti!

Ma caro davvero il tuono della cavatina che voi mi mandaste non conviensi alla mia voce. Il mio istromento meglio s'accomoda di diverse corde, come il la bemol a modo minore. Suvvia, poco vi chiedo... Ricomponete dessa cavatina, e vostra mi farò.

Bruttini ricevette the dispatch when he had already sent the draft of the complete work at the printer, and precisely while tattooed look of fine effect, beginning with "The core involami, thriving on his right buttock Junoesque lover. That even then found himself the master Petezetti appropinquata lover, who, having read the inscription on a night of pleasure and that of champagne in Bergamo, in the then province of August Orio al Serio, drew inspiration for the final aria, "Al sweet guide me "in the maritime melodrama" Ah! The whale! "A few years later. By an irony of fate, it was the same paste to fill the role of the whale.

So Bruttini left there, the anonymous love, and ran to stop the press printer, but not before he had rewritten the cavatina "Casta diva" in the shade sacerrima expressed by Artist.

said, then the pasta, traveling to Medioli, this quick and confidential business

Perdy dear,

what a nice thing you did, you did for redoing the air me. The will, I promise kr.

But do not ask me to sing "Casta diva," as you would like to know, to sindichessa Sossorci, I seem to say a nice monster.

Cunzubalda Who will sing? I heard that voice would be one of two Lecis? And I suffer, Giuditta Pasta, neglected to see me a vulgar Migné ...

Here stops the ticket ... maybe the coach took one hole, and the pen flew away from the ends of our delicate Judith.

Bruttini Here is the last ticket, which struggled to find another interpreter of the role of Cunzubalda:

Judith Divine

great pain I was to find a new Cunzubalda. There is still the province of Arcore no longer a young maiden, red-haired and thigh valiente, says that descend from the same tribe Brambbili and responds to the name of Trionforia. He has decent voice, which often does resonate in strange tents prepared by herself.

will never be as beautiful as you are, but is nevertheless ready to serve you and sing with you.

reverent bow, your Perdenzio.


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