Sunday, November 29, 2009
Co Alarm Peak Reading
E 'with a wonderful grito no wonder that furious Apollonian and Bacchic transport you proclaim too much surprise, and without even knowing that you would please at the idea because I know that your bladder destilizzata broke out in copious mood for too much joy and in short, you pissed on by the happy and I know I do not think something physiologically sake of completeness that you are doing it because these numbers can give you the head and gave you're not used to how we are accustomed to them and in fact I wanted to tell you today that Magna cum joy are reached ipso facto THE LEGISLATION 8 billion contacts from this and that other world, and that the Divine Pasta, though fugitive (But that fugitive!) Sang a passage sticatissimo C1-Sol12 thing not happened since to excite pious soul of Bruttini became rewrite celebrissima Cavatina from Act Bruttini in A flat minor with the big orchestral swoon then used to lift the most frequent of tonalitade is sharp and fourth. But transeat, stories are detached from any human context is far from your illecebri standizzate and minds.
To celebrate, if ever proof were needed, here, for your pleasure and trust that we certainly thank placing mounds of roses and verbena stiizzatissime our plants, here is a close examination of some of the engravings celebrissima sung, but I say sung , true cantata stilizzata per vere stilizzata, la Giovannona Coscialunga del paracelsico Roffini.
Cantata che davvero non può che essere appannaggio di un'artista che canti con tutti i clismi, nonché crismi, nonché microclismi del VCS, della STICA, capace di CA.STA DI.VA ecc. ecc. e quindi nemica d'ogni Standa, LSD e quindi poco attraente per l'attuale temperie orecchiomerdista che quasi quasi lasceremmo divampare in tutto il suo furore giacché come disse il nume Gabbietti "e deletione imperium bonae stilefactionis renaturumst" e così eccovi alcuni ascolti e successivo mio vaticinio inconfutabile poiché inconfutando circa la sua esecuzione.
1) Mariolina Corno, pianista Martino Nerch: un monumento di Stica, non potrei aggiungere altro. Giovannona è Mariolina, Mariolina è Giovannona, in un abbraccio mistico, sinolo di burro e sugna, triplice congiunzione di alta stilizzazione e apertura vocale senza pari. Nerch gliela suona, a Mariolina, questa cantata, come d'autunno si suonano le foglie cioè con dolce nenia fruscicante e stormire di uccelli fra i rovi.
2) Licia Rudolfi-Cielini, pianista non pervenuto: una Giovannona che non sembra aver mai attaccato il prosciutto al gancio. Bella voce non c'è che dire, ma latita lo stile che sempre pare drudeggiare con forme pericolosamente scolacciate e ochieggianti (ma non ancheggianti, in quello è maestra la Corno) verso il VCM più infido, detto VCMADFS (True singing shit cloaked in false stilizzatezza).
3) Granmaschia Calcutta, with orchestra conducted by Maestro Talking: a brief but thigh by Giovannoni indeed very stylized. Would not know what else to add except avercene nowadays.
4) Francine De La Fosse. AMEN. And what else would I add another curse of the Truth.
5) Sandaniela Madrid. The name is worthy of a ham is the thigh and that this little stylized Giovannoni. Or rather, I can not comprehend how the prevailing orecchiomerdismo know that while basking in the many other emule Grantrota.
6) Beans Sbattoli ... Get out of that delicious corpuscle! Why yes, the beans are palatable, not because the Northerland means (and can not comprehending those who do not test).
Here ... Look through your complurime and complurimmente greet you with compliments, your maiden colendissimo.
Ps: in the photo here to celebrate the sublime Francine known in the dressing room before the concert Roncalceci.
Friday, October 2, 2009
60 Birthday Toast List Template Celebrations
There was a time in remote golden age of mankind, in which the VCS reigned in every theater and, even more cause for wonder that, in any private residence. The girls did you fit, toned warble or castrated children from morning till night, even our ancestors were, by the stove, the time and the fickle tastes of daring and sing frottolle pinzillacchere and sublime effect, especially in the sweet hour of Compline . He fell from the sky rain mead, sprouted from the earth clods pretioso gold. The walls were alabaster and purple curtains. Over all, agree in full and holy joy, hung the sweet breath of the True Voice Stylized, whose sacred laws were kept in the ancestral temple of Stich, over a hill fertile plains always ventilated and whose sweet scent molche the heart, there, in front of the tomb of Grandonnona, space intersidereo Holy Doors of the hill where the downward Rising majestically spa San Miniato.
But one day - oh! Bad day to the human race - the poison of evil chose, as the mood of an angry asp, the spread in abundance through the veins of the universe the world. Just in the big city of Fiesole, Florence, and on command in a theater once so beautiful, it was decided to stage a horrible rappresentazione infesta, che venne chiamata film, sigla degenerante da cui sommi studiosi (tra i quali io stesso) hanno estratto l’acronimo Falsismo Illumina Lo Mondo, e questa terribile visione di marcescente disvalore artistico, priva d’ogni CA.STA D.I.V.A., ebbe titolo “L’Urlo silente”. L’autore, innominabile (tolga Iddio!), sferra ancora numerosi attacchi biliosi, qualche sera d’autunno, attorno all’avello sacro e benedetto della divina Grandonnona, che allora, in quel 1750ca pieno di luce, in cui i fiorenzini, ignari della catastrofe che gravava sul lor capo, si recavano giocondi e gai a premiarla, con plausi di gloria, offeriva i suoi pretiosi involi alla Rigida d’Azzurri, that almost seemed to have been written just for her.
But after that first performance here in the morning on a local gazette nomata "oracle" the announcement appeared imminent dell'obbrobrio ... He says the gruesome title, "Tonight, at the Grand Theatre of Fiesole, a 'perverse delight of your soul, the work will be Grantrota nova, nomata the silent scream. The seats are locabili Jeannette at the Cascine. And here are
fiorenzini run in the gorgeous wilderness of perdition to find Jeannette, which left them sell much copy cartule so that they can sit in the vast theater of Fiesole. And here are fiorenzini climb the slope that mounts to the floor, and they were quaking, at a distance, the sacred flame of the Holy sacerrimo shrine's gates. The thrills Stich, Stich the inflamed! And begin to feel the painful spargentisi notes through the air in the thunder of death: Grantrota singing the air of silence and this silence becomes a scream uterine strazievole that permeates the air of dung, pestilential winds and swell, rise , patios and escape through every valley. The attendants voted to leave the cult of the Stich-stricken sacred spot, their stylized notes rises in vain against this wave of mud Lussorio which diffuse through the middle. They sing the maidens, and there came the Divine Pasta, Benibran, Cleptini, and how they can make the Farinellona shield, with their practice of the VCS in both atro prodigy.
to no avail, alas, as the evil won that battle. The chapel was quick from the valley of the tombs, there regrettable s'accrebbe a crater on the ridge. And the VCM fell between us. But a battle is not war! And in this latter war is always the enemy of good!
The illustrations, unfortunately dispersed from the collection of Count Daigratie Semele, represent the first page number that the Oracle and a rare image of Grantrota in Lucia di Ambipur of Petezetti. The unsuspecting artist wrote in pencil, reads "Mrs. Grantota ( sic ) opera Lucia di Ambipur.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Southpark Tokugawa Game Combos
“La voce di Magdi Allamvero è quanto, e non è poco, dia al falsismo il diritto di esistere. Senza di lei, della sua SS e la sua conosenza della Stica questo abietto repertorio meriterebbe di venir sepolto sotto un’uggiosa coltre di putredine”. Così il Gabbietti, un Gabbietti italiano, nel suo “Trattatato completo del VCS”, per i tipi della celeberrima e lesa Casa Oscura.
Ci siamo dunque recati in un bel pomeriggio di pioggia a casa della signora Allamvero, che ha raggiunto da poco l’età invidiabile di 17 anni e 6 mesi, 150 dei quali passati a servizio del VCS, applicato però ad una delle piaghe più purulente produced by LSD, namely the so-called falsismo, current 1750ca opened in the silent film "The Silent Scream," protagognosta Grantrota and culminating in the hideous pantomime of Cavalry and Urban Bagiazzi, two authors that the same decency
c ' requires ever mention on these pages, even under provision of garlands of garlic and bucrani apotropaic.
Mrs. Magdi Allamvero lives in Rome, near Sanpietro, and was born in Medioli as everyone knows, the province of Arcore, also incorporated nelal Sanpietro province. This is because they have attended an interview choral maiden (GDL), Trombettini (TT), Del Praz (GDP) and think even the divine Pasta (GP) in connection intrasidereo.
GDL : Allamvero Dear lady, you know that the cage, the tutelary deity and supreme minister elected to the things of man and VCS, but I say man, superman, but I say, superman, god well, wrote about her extraordinary things almost as if the falsismo was justified because she sang almost a day to prove who really is the true evil of all the LSD as if she with the VCS has won the VCM falsismo singing this means that the VCS could triumph even singing on the VCM falsismo, known crucibles made of ABS 'booth?
MA: Actually I did not understand a word of your question, but no matter, the answer is also why I so cute ... Look, the cage do not know who it was or understand all this talk for his aphorisms without any consecutio temporum and then I do not know what the falsismo. In singing there is one technique that you want to sing the 500 or 3000. And I modestly this technique was born, that's all.
GDP : Madam I am sure you know who I am, are Gigi's Praz, known musicologist kinetic ...
MA: Sorry I never felt nominare ma prosegua pure, caro...
GDP : Sicuramente le sarà sfuggito di mente, con tanti ricordi che Lei deve avere... Ecco le volevo chiedere questo: che influenza ha avuto sulla Sua carriera il fatto che lei abbia cantato la parte di Adriana nel Rocky il Copritore di Mistacca sotto la direzione di Mistacca stesso?
MA : Trovo la Sua domanda alquanto obsoleta, mi permetta. No, io vorrei raccontarle questo, di Mistacca, con il quale ho lavorato con grande piacere e chi mi fece l’onore di scegliere me per cantare la sua Adriana nel Rocky il Copritore, dopo che avevo deciso di allontanarmi dalle scene un dieci minuti onde completare una mano di bridge... Insomma il Mistacca mi chiama, e io riattacco.... Richiama, ma io non me la sento di riattaccare una seconda volta al Mistacca, e così accetto. Ma volevo raccontarvi questo che mi è successo l’altra notte: ho sognato il Mistacca che riattaccava con questa storia dell’Adriana, e scriveva ADRIANA su un leggio tutto nero, e la parola Adriana era lucente, una cosa bellissima, e così ho detto: devo ricantare l’Adriana. Così ho chiamato Silvestro Montone e ci siamo messi d’accordo per riprendere il Rocky in Ascensore. Spero ci sarete.
GP : Se non abbiamo di meglio da fare sì, cara signora. Cucù, mi vede nello specchio sul pianoforte, sono io, la DP, la Divina Pasta. Senta, signora Allamvero, voglio metterla alla prova perché questa storia di stilizzazione un po’ mi subodora, se mi permette il termine... Io, che ho cantato la Legge di Bruttini, la Che Bambola! dello stesso Bruttini e altri opere veramente stilizzate le vorrei chiedere in cosa consistesse l’applicazione del VCS al repertorio falsista... Sentiamo, Magdi, sentiamo e aspettiamo fiduciosi...
MA : Ma nel vibratino da vero appoggio, per Diana... Che scherzi mi fai, Giuditta cara! Dal dì che mi conosci mi fai ancora di questi tranelli?
GP : Bene, sei stata attenta, ora vado perché mi chiamano la Benibran e la Saporita Didadini a sorbire il té (e sorbire anche them back).
GDL : Dear Magdi ...
MA: Allamvero call me lady, it is safer ... more for you than for me!
GDL : All right, dear lady Allamvero ... By the way, I wish that I spoke of the role of rigid Azzurri she has so divinely illustrated and of which there are only a few fragments, and of course the famous microchip recorded around 1839 for the record Ukulele ...
MA: Oh, Hard ... But I talked with more ardor of feet of Lesbos Intinggini ...
GDL : But you talk a bit 'of what he wants, I'm at the point ...
MA: Oh sure, I should also make a problem? Then, the foot of Lesbos Intinggini work is fabulous. I still remember when we did with the Borromeo Bruttibuddini Roncalceci to or even better with that of Wild Sabatingo in Zevio, you know, municipal arena ... What memories, but who now sings more like this ...
TT: I will have one last question, Madam Allamvero, then let it return to the review of your Adriana ...
MA: But how dare , young man, I know Adriana sing it to him upside down ... "Glow in his tired white dove as a ...", see?
TT: Yes, yes, exciting ... But now I wanted to ask this, if I may ... Mrs. Allamvero, a tip for these young generations who have lost any knowledge of the VCS ...
MA: VCS Again with this? Young man, speaks Italian, please. However a council for young people is this: The measure! That gives it a real culture or nature ... Spontaneous ... The Masalda Favino, for example, did things that were a divine thing, and everything with the measure, as indeed I always sang too. The measure, yes, yes, that always ... Particularly in the final feet of Lesbos in the I mentioned earlier or in the great Ganges Theodora.
But it's time to say goodbye to his heavenly Magdi, and leave our astilizzati even loyal readers!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Los Homres De Paco Full Episodes
IMMASCHERATO: che canta con voce stilizzata e suontuosa nella maschera.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
How To Make Dinning Chair
Let us begin with a brief exchange of correspondence between the singer and the Almighty Heavenly Master Roffini. The year was circa 1815 and elected the muse to the stylized art received by the illustrious family of Felistrozzi Hake oceans of Parma and Reggio, the invitation to perform at the Teatro Presidential their pleasant town of Molise in order to replace the now Marfesina Puledrotti decoction, which also now had sposata, e quindi in Fuga. La psicagogica Giuditta aveva da poco superato la giovine età di 74 anni e mezzo, e, nonostante i suoi mezzi fossero del tutto integerrimi (e tali lo sono rimasti a tutt'oggi), per grande devozione ch'ella aveva per il Roffini, gli scrisse di suo pugno una breve lettera affinché il Maestro approntasse una revisione della stilizzatissima parte di Zelmiramide... Ma cediamo volentieri la parola, pardon, il Verbo, alla nostra savia imperatrice:
a vergarti queste poche righe di supplica è la dolcissima amica Giuditta, per la quale non ti degnasti mai di scrivere una nota che foss'una (e non mi parlare di quella orribile parte da sguattera nella "Gita Chartres "), but with your graziasti sum Arts in rebuilding your Tancretino the grand, the work that I sang with the total emission stylized that you know and I will not be so humble as well, saying that in that glorious evening, where he drew the ball more high art my heaven, as if drinking from the lip of Jupiter delicious mead, you looked at me with eyes full of gratitude for the good because I made your Art, which it found raised. But you know, my Roffini, which are small and that I am young and very conciosiacosacché, writing your Zelmiramide seems to me not too stylized suits my voice today. And I, for luck of the gods, are not the Marfesina. So, riscrivimi the Zelmiramide , and I'll be grateful! A sweet kiss on your mustache, your friend always Titta "
Roffini, undertook to write his" dirt of a slobbering "in a parlor of Calmy Horse Lutetia, sent a rat (MMS messages especially Stylized) to his beloved pasta. gives the text of the original idiom Roffini, which - for those who remember, astilizzato, ignored - although born in Loreto, and everywhere the so called "pheasant Lambrate was expressed in the purest dialect Bergamo, a city in order descended the revered her mother.
"Dear Judas,
nun teng sin and make me laugh 'bunion ca' me Picciani, propet’ te, cantà a' mia Zelmiramidè, a' ètà toja? Ma song uscitì pazzì e' Felistrozz? nun potevàn chiamà a' Grisì ca' almenò ce l''hà sempe sodè?! nun credò a' mie uocchi... Comunquè si propeto aia' cantarlà, pregà a' maronna e fai chello ca' vuoì. Io e' traspòrt nun te li facciò chesta voltà, ca' cu o' Tancretìn quasì me o' facevì sembrà na' stronzatìn e' Bruttinì. Jamme bella! Ma staje piangènd miserià? aie problèm e' soldì? sentì a me: io purè quann teng e' pezzè in front dicò vivà o' re e vaco proseguènd, ppe ciò primà e' fa' chesta scemènz, pensàc bbene.
o' toje carò Roffìn
Poscritt: ah te ricuerd chella dietà ca' me consigliàst, a vett’e vaccerr’, nun m'allicurd comm si dicè, beh comm vir' ra' fotografèll ca' te mandò ha funzionàt ppe grazià ro' Signorè! Nun te sembrò nu babbà? Stammì buonò!"
Alla fine la Divina rinunciò alla Zelmiramide, ma non certo per deferenza nei confronti del Roffini... Semplicemente il Felistrozzo fece una battuta infelice sullo stilizzatissimo decolleté della Diva, e lei rifiutò di esibirsi.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Katydids Candies Fundraiser
Sono divinamente view of the fact that I will have to once again play my ancestral role of rhetoric and make up a whole because a stylized stain to poor Minus Habens us again sfrantecato the Maronites on Divine De Lafosse and not content with bringing this pureed marron glacé also decided to leave rather than taking advantage of our generositade that twine hands full, but then who the fuck is believed to be'm boor?
De Lafosse not sing well, and more is not true, absolutely false and an abomination worthy of imperishable think that it was growing too powerful or too controlled in the issuance of its acute and seemed to pierce the ceiling of the amphitheater Greek how was high. No, De Lafosse was all of us, De Lafosse bear it sees', De Lafosse was maggica, caspiterina, but we did v'abbiamo bad eh? And what evil hath made Francine? I'm going to tell his master, offi ...
Yet here I am and then from now on in this ipsissima moment prone and ready to show all my glory syntactic launching into a tirade full of stylized meaning:
ELEUTERI YOU'VE BROKEN THE RIVER, BUT PLEASE, STAY AND ENJOY U.S. ! (And never mind the Gamelancia and Soffighebona)
What can I say, not even the Latin Bigmouth had come to that, I bow to myself.
And just to prove that I did not say false things, here comparison:
Air chain process, from Negra and Cazziero of Roffini:
1) Performed by De Lafosse, Loreto, a city of miracles, 1889
2) Performed by Madrid, Loreto, a city of miracles, 1906
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Cliff Notes Deathwatch By Robb White
The keepers of that I have asked for a possible collaboration that I accept with great joy. My skills are not worthy of the gentlemen madam, but I have very good ear and a good nose sniffing out and find real gems that no stylized or even forever, and so beside the point, makes available the stylized public.
After this brief presentation I propose a reflection and exhausted listening to "the angry member protrudes, song that I have said in conversations and at times almost pleasant drawing-room, to say the barracks (forgive me the term!) with my friend Gigi who is with the maiden (which, while ending with A case of a man, which starts with my attendance has left me astonished as to be reduced for the Italian language with people of a shocking ignorance who does not know if a male child is born should be called with the O and not with A. However, this is a parenthesis here and the close lingustica). I said that, not to lose the train of thought which tend to do so much beside the point but I can not do anything, even my mom was like that, it would be good to try to determine whether the air member (as they are called this type of air that the air from the trunk to fill is to compare the exact idea of \u200b\u200bwhat makes alluded to, in short: The member refers to the male sex as well as the comparison with an allusion to the rock cliff) is punishable by a worthy and is a stylization simple and vulgar to say the baroque ariaccia baraccheggiante.
sure that many think is the fact that the air of the tunes associated with the member is to be filled, that leads to easy disconcerting to vaudeville, losing all its dignità e svilendosi di molto, ma assai di molto.
"Sporge l'irato Membro" venne scritta per il famoso castrato Giuliettina Manfrè, che essendo castrato assunse quasi da subito il nome da donna perchè NON è assolutamente vero che un castrato resta maschio a tutti gli effetti ma, come dice nel suo trattato "Un sigaro co' ciuffi" la sociologa Waldemara Capece Stroganoff: " l'omo è omo solo se ha le palle e solo con le palle si può usare il sigaro co' ciuffi, cosa che rimette al mondo quasiasi Donzella".
La Manfrè portò al successo l'aria nel breve spazio di un mattino, o meglio, nel breve spazio di una notte brava: era il 1694 (o il 1964, ma cambia assolutamente poco) e tutta Paris went crazy for her. The big girl tall, slender, tawny blond, sea-green eyes and a mustache ferret sang the air of the State in pretiosa, even though specious, Topier Pigalle Salle during the competition for Miss Trans and was delirious. The tapered legs in fishnet stockings close-colored smoke of London, with the manly hair which looks from the network, not enough to detract attention from the wrath of those present shall be sung, is shown.
It is true that the registration of the evening, I found a Porno Music Store in Amsterdam, has some gaps and you can not appreciate the full splendor stylized air: whistling, schioccchi, and hum disturb sciacquettii 125% of the registration the restante 75% viene nascosto da una voce che urla: "Ollelè, Ollalà faccela vedè, faccela toccà" il che rende esattissima l'idea del clima che si respirava nella serata.
Fermo restando che questa è l'unica registrazione conosciuta dell'aria del Membro possiamo, quindi, dirci assai ben soddisfatti della resa acustica derivante dal fatto che solo il 200% totale della registrazione è praticamente rovinato.
Non mi sento di mettere la mano sul fuoco per giurare che l'aria del Membro (Member's air, in inglese) possa poter esser definita claro esempio di Stilizzazione Canonica ( 'Stica): la Divina Pasta mai l'ha cantata e, a onor del vero, non so nemmeno se sarebbe stata in grado di produrre gli ultronei colpi of glottis allowing the Manfrè to reach swiftly and suddenly to C # at 14 ° (3-point regular) notes that so well characterizes the entire State. The accompanying Violone
with love, Viola da gamba and Arpeggione characteristics of disconcerting concert.
The edition I reviewed it for the types of Fava Records. $ 245.05. Editions exhausted.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Sample Letter For Service Hours
pretioso inaugurate today with this article a series of articles devoted to different and / singers / and generally regarded as unworthy by the mob and saw half that sum will be analyzed with our science in these articles.
the other day rimettendo ordine tra gli scaffali dei nostri cilindri con grande mio disappunto perché quella sbadata di Mona Monda nostra serva da tempi immemori non aveva sdiragnato le ragnatele e ecco che in mezzo alla polvere trovo due dischi compatti che mi tornano furtivamente in memoria rimandandomi ai tempi in cui ebbi una lite furibonda tanto che addirittura gridai “per dincibacco” io sempre così attento alla forma e alle buone maniere dicevo litigavo con sto coglione d’un troglodita con le orecchie ripiene di merda che diceva che Padovona Luna fosse una mezza sega di cantante mentre io sostengo che avercene oggi che ci si spellerebbero le mano e staccherebbimo le corde vocali se la sentissimo in Ascensore dove ormai s’ascoltano solo gli strappi uterini slacker certain that even the world, but never mind that I run the ball just thinking about it. I said
eziandio of Luna Padovona a singer very good compared to the slime that blunts today's palcoscemici and with much regret that I regret even if I must say that from the point of view of interpreting the lady was not quite stylized enough to be heard conciosiacosacché ultornea ear are not completely stylized. This beautiful blonde big mouse was born if I remember correctly from parts of South Tyrol, and this means that it was a bit 'so terroncina but who hauls or if it drops his pants, no one answers having some reason to think that. He made a lot of mess singing the Law Bruttini of Brazil in Tokyo, and something else by the Parties in Bratislava in South Korea but now the details escape me and so is of little interest and is already so much that I sfrantechi fertile Maroni's talking about but I must say that she still a little 'I like it because for example, when we sang the rigidity of Blue ebbeh because he was not there for any of the beautiful yarns that even in its stripped Grandonnona what etsi stylized buried at the sacred field of the Sacred Gate to Florence where we stayed in gaze at the stars and so on. Etc.
Moon scatevava certainly not the tides of enthusiasm but not this always been a good solid professional singing with decent tips stilizzatezza species in acute and medium-sol SOL3 in step 7 where the item reaches a certain penetratività and also more than a few ... For example, it is a pleasure to hear in the scene of spades niche in the debutantes' ball, charming vaudeville Azzurri, in Sao Paulo in Japan since the year 1867 with the great tenor azurite Reggio Bruttibuddini ... Great cool really say our dear friend and petulant Bellacutella ...
Other times, other voices, more than half saw ... If those were half then saw what they are today what they are, in proportion? Electric guillotines ... hahaha, stilizzatamente are very nice.
Here are the plays:
Padovona Luna
of The Hard Blues: great scene of the first act of the fourth act
The debutantes' ball of Blue Air niches of spades and the scene of the lawn (with Bruttibuddini)
Cercarobe The Azzurri d'Air duet of the first act and quart 'act (with Achillini)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Woolite In An He Washer
La divettona Fagiolia Sbattoli, che nessuno aveva notata quando cantò, con grande strepito di nari, la "Mazza glabra" di Roffini in Ascensore nel 1889, continua la sua folgorante ascesa verso i cieli della LSD (La Stilizzazione Devastanda) con questo nuovo programma, del quale ci attendiamo numerose (si fa per dire) esibizioni in pubblico come è del resto lei solita. Questa volta a passare sotto le avide fauci della belloccia cantante (nata lo ricordo nell'Apenzell da madre bergamasca, e perciò calabrese e da padre sudmessicano) è un repertorio poco conosciuto, quello delle Incastrate, ossia di quelle particolari cantatrici del secolo XVesimo cosìddette per la mole poderosa raggiunta dopo anni di studio severo, mole che consentiva a loro di ottenere quelle voci strozzate da oca all'ingrasso e che tanto hanno dato lustro a pagine di compositori stilizzatissimi quali Mandelejev, Azze, Rossoscuro, O Gallinaro ecc. ecc. Insomma, il repertorio favorito, ohimé, dei classicari di vecchia schiatta, prima che questi posassero gli occhi putti sulla produzione venerabile del grande Roffini.
Si legge infatti nell'obesa nota di accopagnamento al disco che le Incastrate, nel corso della loro formazione cominciata alla tenera età di 45 anni, e per ritardare, o addirittura interrompere il corso naturale delle cose culminanti in una blazing menopause, should follow a program of day and night of special and heavy content. I quote from the book (which in turn cites the Tarziannus de Gein, contemporary treatises): "The noble maidens in the prime of life, and before incidental take the heat (a sign of the flower that is molche) follow such a system each and every day At last night that she will maintain a long and added characters long continuance of their health and beautiful lush juvenile audacity. A morning dawn diconsi take three pots of soup prepared such that the call ribbolitta Toschi, the sixth, two bowls of sliced \u200b\u200bwheat seasoned sauce with sausage, pork pies at noon and two kidneys of an ox, a six Compline cakes spelled strabaglione and later, at Vespers, which granted them everything is not green. "Caught The most famous, which was also dedicated a bad film stilizzatoria bill has remained the Farinellona so nomata amount for superhuman bread and buns consumed from morning to evening.
But let's Beans, which I try to accompany the portraits, he completely followed all the instructions of the de Gein. Except then disregard any indication about the actual capacity (stiizzatissime) of cantrici embedded, namely that of petulant whisper throttling leading to hypertrophic uvula against the thyroid! So handsome (and self-styled, and seditious) Divette launches with its prim, stentorian voice, in the pages that need more stilizzatezza (as always) and perhaps more frantic groin, as the airs of a dark red Zelmiramide remained anonymous, the famous air of calm or written specifically by the third cousin of Farinellona to be placed in a reset, please reset Tortalchermesse, "Son what ship" (and it seems it was a large effect on the public of the move so graceful in which the Farinellona indicated the powerful sides singing those words). Too much voice, too little stilizzatezza and continence, then. We remember the famous Coppieri Stimazzi in an old cylinder sing the aria "Ombra mai fu" from Chermesse of Mandeleiev (air bizarre sung in front of a faulty umbrella) with much greater voice hissing, and then stilizzatezza.
Sbattoli The group is here accompanied by the Garden classicaro noisy. Much good it did the 158 elements are just enough to accompany his powerful (and beside the point) vocal organ.
We do not provide the full schedule, because this time is overly long and covers forty compact discs ... Without even an air of Roffini! And then talk about culture! However Mandelejev tunes, dark red, reset, please reset, or Gallinaro, Tassi, Lose, Nardi and others in the school of Partenope rattle in the province of Strasbourg.
Coppieri Stimazzi "Ombra mai fu" from Chermesse of Mandeleiev
Francine de Lafosse "Son what ship" from the reset, please reset Tortalchermesse
Charriol Ring Price List Philippines
Monday, September 7, 2009
Cellular Respiration Lab Answers For Lab 5
S’inaugura oggi una serie, se mai avrà un seguito il presente articolo, di recensioni dedicate a artisti che oggi vanno per la greater because of cultural degradation, and the inability of the destilizzazione cerebri modest of men today to seize power, even in the simple intuition of those who may not know, the presence of the VCS between us.
Let us therefore begin this album came out some time to record the prints of Albanian Svirgin. The cover itself (one swallow does not make a summer, but in this case it really does, and is a wonderful thing) is abhorrent: a bearded man, in a very languid and very suited to her sex, with perspective in a public urinal if a man should never be a stylized performance of his needs. Let the album title, provocative enough but dopottutto, in line with the current sad bad habit of sleeping consciences: LSD, symbol appropriate, as you may not know, The Stylize Devastanda, Mengla Standa known as a place of perdition, even those rare souls anchored to the verb of the VCS. Thus LSD is not only a return ticket to the shores of nothingness, but also that the principle of all evil from which thrive in the years 1750 falsismo the most vulgar and pornographic. And here is that, almost so much sugello stilizzatoria the work of deconstruction Svirgin brazen arrogance and even called a disc MISUSE ravenous beast, unworthy and unclean sacrifice, the work of evil people and destined to abject. Let
So the program, and there is visible all the evil that the LSD arms himself for the world to spread the world: not Roffini but portentous airs airs "from cabinet" that the operators of the lowest culture falsingardi antistilizzata want to spread as works of high genius. How many times in order to cast shadows obscure the light of truth! So what we hear in this putrid compact disc, eternal gods! A big man from the deep voice and fat content-versus Lebusky (what's the use of these items at a time when most did not want to sound nemmanco the filmmakers maialecci) we imagine bearded and hairy reclining on a broken ceramic cup to vent intestine of its yearnings ... Quite the opposite of the stylized masculinity, which expressed the masculine and powerful singers and toned in the Biondini was the last representative of that Martha Francina under the guidance of the cage and stick loving!
I vulgarissima fragmenta here engraved with that voice horribly animal are manifest example of the evil that surrounds us. Do not be fooled and follow the one, the only real way of VCS, never leave groped by those artificialissimi fragrant paradise. Gigi
of Praz
Rinaldo Hi-Han: The Chilly mentholated
Fagolosi Walk: The Dark (re) process
Romino Massenevada: Lamento sulla coppa
Michele Vero-Mi: Nell’opportuno vaso
Edmondino Calzetta: Il culo a libri
Michele Vero-Mi: Primavera floreale
Fagolio Camminata: Mio nonno (dalla raccolta delle Emorro-Odi)
Rinaldo Hi-Han: Brache calanti
Edmondino Calzetta: Deodora-Lillà
Edmondino Calzetta: Papilloma virus
Rinaldo Hi-Han: L’odore squisito
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Big White Booty Cartoon
Ai nostri cari ancorché talora ultronei e mai abbastanza stilizzati se pertanto e conciosiaccosaché difficilmente essi mai lo siano anche solo un’oncia ma transexat si devono molteplici e vieppiù confuse scuse per tanto nostro silenzio più strazievole per le vostre povere animelle avide di latte dalla copiosa mammella della divina Giuditta che non per noi esseri ormai pervicacemente estratti e anco astratti dalle umane cure e dunque eccomi vostro devo.tmo Donzelletta come sempre prono e pronto a servire non tanto ai derebrati cerebri vostri che pur tanto ci onorano di loro presenza quanto ginocchioni e ammirato ponendo il collo in grembo alla Divina cantatrice cui dedico questo dilettevole esercizio del mio sapere.
Dunque acciocché voi sappiate la cagione di tanto nostro ritiro e tanto vostro patire, comincerò dal cominciamento e dall’inizio, perché cosa è giusta e assai degna di lode nel grande autore scrivente cose scritte la logica, dacché, come vaticinò quell’anima ebbra di luce chiamata Gabbietti “de prima re multa consequuntur magna cum copia et coetera”, grande lume d’intenti e d’interessi e amabilissimo sire delle anime ben disposte all’accoglimento del verbo che tutto si raduna in una sigla dolcissima e molcente il cuore quale è il santo nome del VCS, e quindi comincio dall’inizio ed eccomi a scrivere che a principio e causa prima del nostro dipartire da questi schermi plebei ma via via vieppiù stilizzandi e stilizzaturi dovemmo, e dovendo partire partimmo a soggiornare presso i lidi ameni e gai e giocondi e lieti e belli e gai e belli e lieti e giocondi e gai e ameni e lidi dell’ameno, gaio, giocondo, lieto e bel cimitero delle Finestre sacre in quel di Fiorenza prospiciente la ben più grande e nota Fiesole ove in augusto avello giace nelle sue pallide membra scarnificate etpur sempre stilizzatissime il terrestre velo della grande e graziosa stilizzata anima di cantatrice nomata Giuseppa Grandonnona, che tanto diede del suo effluvio vocale al genio del maestro Azzurri... Quivi, in tale lieta piaggia amena e gioconda e ancorché voi non possiate mai arrivarvi dacché non stilizzati quali sieti rimarreste estereffatti e godenti della vostra antistilizzata e fella agnosceria a rimirare l’antistilizzato panorama che s’offre dal sottostante piazzale dei Marchidiavoli, ma se saliste mai al piano ove si stende l’amena lieta gioconda e gaia spiaggia e non aveste gli occhi pieni di merda ancor più se mai è possibile your ears to the cravings of human putridescenti, well, you could visit the grave of the sweet and wondrous sontuaosa Joseph Grandonnona and stayed there for a long time to breathe the scent of abandoned graves and hear the sweetest song of the crows and garrulle hoopoe that both our ramembrano provide for the choruses, songs, weapons and the Knights of the sweetest gorga our beloved and welcome Francine de Lafosse, the well nomata the pit from which it seemed to come this melodious song that with a single step on the fledging Sol1-G7, although retained in its mezzavoce unlimited resources, it was full on each bell ringing in the province of Sanpietro even if she sang and issued to those sounds incredible distances and immodest direste voi anime prave.
E... ma poi che cazzo v’importa perché non abbiamo più scritto, ficcanaso che non siete altro... Siamo tornati, forse no, boh... Se avete voglia di leggere fatelo, altrimenti sapete quanto ne può fregare alla Divina Pasta???
Vostro ossequiosissimo, adorante, pallente e sempre divoto Donzelletta, emulo e paredro di sua altezza oltre inter super et inframondana Giuditta sempre celeste Pasta.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Temperature Grow Saffron
Ciao a tutti. Ci siete ancora?
. There is a murderess escape took refuge in his soul and ice is slowly heated and shaken
dallinnocenza innate and spontaneous than a boy in need of guidance and support. A story to the extent possible, a raw and rigorous style that does not stop at the enormity of the tragedy and that digs into the thoughts of a murderess who do not find the man he is in him.
But when the two leave their solitary life in the isolated farm and go to town, the murderess is found in contact with the world, that the police search and social dynamics from which he fled. The boy is hungry for life and relationships and looking for a life normal, the old murderess feels hunted, his only possible life is on the edge of the world's farm. The plot is complicated, the adventure comes alive with the unexpected and thicken. You can not come to terms with the guilt and justice, but at the same time we can not stop a guy who has a lifetime ahead of him as a wonderful precious vase to be filled.)
(Questo è l’incipit del libro: “Ricordo perfettamente quel giorno perché a scuola ho fatto una colossale figura di ci-a-doppia ci-a (per la cronaca: odio il suono delle parolacce e se proprio devo dirle preferisco fare lo spelling all’inglese)”…un incipit che fa subito venire voglia di leggerlo tutto, non vi sembra? Chi parla è un ragazzo di tredici anni, all’incirca quindi proprio come voi, che si chiama Ozzy, come un famosissimo cantante di rock duro, musica che piaceva alla Her mother was young (he rather sucks) ... "But as I like Ozzy, is the only thing that I have nerve. If I called Mario would have been a candidate for suicide. " Ozzy makes Loffi last name, and told his companions the Loffi, a nickname that says it all ... in fact, Ozzy is a shy and clumsy, really clumsy. Ozzy said in a funny way, in language that surely will enjoy it, his adventures take him on tour to Italy, accompanied by a series of strange characters and a more extravagant the other. It 's a really funny book, witty, full of jokes, but at the same time he also think (as you can not identify with Ozzy?) ... to read in one breath! I forgot ... other books on Sunday Luciani who go to great (and that are in our library): Cottages at the cemetery, Tommy Largo Shark, Secret Cinema, The school hell, my 12 th winter magic. I hope you enjoy reading! Your librarian Patricia) |
Giorno dopo giorno, Misha scopre le atrocità cui gli ebrei di Varsavia sono sottoposti, ma le vive con lostupore e l'ingenuità di un bambino, che non sa nulla dell'odio e del male. La sua innata e spiazzante generosità, il suo modo ingenuo, ma acuto, di guardare alla realtà che lo circonda, fanno di lui un piccolo, inconsapevole, "eroe". E offrono al lettore, ragazzo o adulto che sia, un originale punto to view the tragedy of the Holocaust and, specifically, about the events of the Warsaw ghetto.)
Friday, June 12, 2009
Is My Nose Considered Wierd
June 12, 2009. Last day of school.
Professor. of letters proposed to play a game of bingo to the European Union.
No numbers, but the city in their place, to find the folder-map available to each player.
To make the game more sparkling and test the ability of its talented students, the sadistic prof. proposes the name of the city drawn in the form of riddle
"English city whose name is also that of an ice cream flavor."
"BORDEAUKS" intervenes triumphant "er Colt." But he says exactly as you read!
PuleCongratulations! Three errors in one word. A record, I guess ...
1) Bordeauks not pronounce, but rather to Bordeaux.
2) Bordeaux is not the name of an ice cream flavor, but rather a wine.
3) Among other things, is not in Spain but in France.
Well, a triumphant exit from the scene, I think.
Best wishes for a good summer ... hope to see you all again in September.
Good Holidays
Prof. Gianluca Galati
Dual Sub Box 87-93 Mustang
our correspondent FROM STOCKHOLM
1 ) What do you know about
I know
I think the government seem corrupt, and sometimes a bit clownish. I think the country is far from justice when it comes to its people in general. Too many are out of jobs and struggling to get food on the table. Too many is giving in to the criminal side in being able to survive.
I think the country itself is astonishing with its history and beauty. I think the people are way to old fashioned in many ways, wich sometimes could be charming. I also think of it as a country in development.
2) If we come to
I suggest you visit
3) We read in our geography book that on
4) Can you explain how you celebrate Christmas, Easter, Carnival and other festival?
Easter is celebrated with family gatherings and food. We eat chicken, eggs special swedish fish with diffrerent sauses and we hand out eastereggs to the kids. hey are usualy filled with candles. And the kids get one from usually each guest so...they can recieve quite a few..
Christmas is different I think but for most families the day to celebrate is on the 24th.
There´s a show that begins around 4 during the day wich is a sweet almost obligation to c.
Cartoons are on, and it´s the same cartoons every year!! Disney.
Then we eat eat and eat-especially the christmas ham wich is like the americans turkey in importance.
We also eat meatballs and boild potatos along with that oddly tasting fish again and salmon and oatmeal-the same kind you wanna give Santa who comes for a visit usually after dinner with christmasgifts.
Swedes likes to drink schnaps as well and it´s simply a sweet jolly time during the whole day.
Then there´s april 30th. Day of the Bonfires. From the beginning it was said that the evil wiches of spring were to be frightened by us lighting huge bonfires in special places. Nowadays we gather at a public place where lots of wood has been put together and is being lit in the evening. There´s dancing, and you can buy hot dogs and stuff like that. Great for the kids.
5) What’s the most important festival in
Pride festival I think is the most important one. But then we have jazzfestivals, Sweden Rock festival and The restaurants day that usually kicks ass.
6) We heard about the “ water festival”. What is it?
Water festival no longer exists. Thank GOD! It was too expensive and to wishy washy.
7) What is the most popular sport in
Ice hockey and soccer.
8) Apart from the capital city,
9) What are the most famous dishes of the Swedish cookery? Are there any popular by tradition?
Famous dishes:
Panncakes, waffles, Meatballs, and that strange fish again (surströmming)
10) Is Italian cookery well- know in
Italian cooking is very well known in Sweden-not to the common households but definetely amongs many and in reastaurants and such.
11) Concerning school, What subjects do you study? What’s you timetable like? Till what age is school obligatory? Have you got optional activities and workshop? What are you classrooms like? Have you got a gym or laboratories? Do you wear a uniform?
School; Hmm-that´s a big one.
You begin 1st grade when you´re 5-6 years old. No uniforms (never uniforms).
The first three years in school is called the Lower period or Small period.
The middle period is 4th grade to 6th grade.
The High period is 7th grade to 9th grade. You get grades from the 7th grade and depedng on the grades you have when you graduate from the 9th grade and your interests in becoming whatever it is you wanna do for a living, you´ll choose the final education wich is called Gymnasium.
Gymnasium is normally 3 years but it also exists 4 year variants.
Me for example, after finishing ninth grade I was sick of school so I took a vacant year and worked. This is something that is provided and financed for those who feel they need to gather strength b4 entering the gymnasium. So that they ca pull it through you know.
After working for one year I´d had the time to really think about what I was interested in so I choosed an education in a gymnasium a couple of miles from where I live. It was called Media-information and commercial. The grades you recieve from the gymnasium is the ones that are supposed to either qualify for work, or continue studying at universitys or such.
In theMiddle period, usually 4th grade- English is introduced and stays as a basic subject throughout the high period and gymnasium. Basic subjects are also Maths, Swedish, History and Society knowledge. These subjects you can not fail in. If you do so your complete gradesystem is unvalid. But other then those you also have Sports, Nature, American History, Biology, physics, Sexual knowledge, chemistry and I´m sure a few variations has arrived in the past couple of years. Every school has either acces to, or its own gym, dining room and chill out area. Every school has rooms fitted to the subject. Perhaps not when it comes to sexual knowledge though. ha ha But if you have a class in chemstry you go to the lab on so on.
When you begin the High period you can also choose to learn another language. English, french, or german. Plus you get introduced for new subjects like computer knowledge, cooking, childcare, businesseconomy, and so forth.
Time tables from the Lower period is around
In the Higher period classes end around
The same teacher in classes up to 7th grade, then they differ.
12) We red about sami people. What do you know about them?
Sami people live very high up in the north of