S’inaugura oggi una serie, se mai avrà un seguito il presente articolo, di recensioni dedicate a artisti che oggi vanno per la greater because of cultural degradation, and the inability of the destilizzazione cerebri modest of men today to seize power, even in the simple intuition of those who may not know, the presence of the VCS between us.
Let us therefore begin this album came out some time to record the prints of Albanian Svirgin. The cover itself (one swallow does not make a summer, but in this case it really does, and is a wonderful thing) is abhorrent: a bearded man, in a very languid and very suited to her sex, with perspective in a public urinal if a man should never be a stylized performance of his needs. Let the album title, provocative enough but dopottutto, in line with the current sad bad habit of sleeping consciences: LSD, symbol appropriate, as you may not know, The Stylize Devastanda, Mengla Standa known as a place of perdition, even those rare souls anchored to the verb of the VCS. Thus LSD is not only a return ticket to the shores of nothingness, but also that the principle of all evil from which thrive in the years 1750 falsismo the most vulgar and pornographic. And here is that, almost so much sugello

So the program, and there is visible all the evil that the LSD arms himself for the world to spread the world: not Roffini but portentous airs airs "from cabinet" that the operators of the lowest culture falsingardi antistilizzata want to spread as works of high genius. How many times in order to cast shadows obscure the light of truth! So what we hear in this putrid compact disc, eternal gods! A big man from the deep voice and fat content-versus Lebusky (what's the use of these items at a time when most did not want to sound nemmanco the filmmakers maialecci) we imagine bearded and hairy reclining on a broken ceramic cup to vent intestine of its yearnings ... Quite the opposite of the stylized masculinity, which expressed the masculine and powerful singers and toned in the Biondini was the last representative of that Martha Francina under the guidance of the cage and stick loving!
I vulgarissima fragmenta here engraved with that voice horribly animal are manifest example of the evil that surrounds us. Do not be fooled and follow the one, the only real way of VCS, never leave groped by those artificialissimi fragrant paradise. Gigi
of Praz
program and really cul tural pseudo:
Rinaldo Hi-Han: The Chilly mentholated
Fagolosi Walk: The Dark (re) process
Romino Massenevada: Lamento sulla coppa
Michele Vero-Mi: Nell’opportuno vaso
Edmondino Calzetta: Il culo a libri
Michele Vero-Mi: Primavera floreale
Fagolio Camminata: Mio nonno (dalla raccolta delle Emorro-Odi)
Rinaldo Hi-Han: Brache calanti
Edmondino Calzetta: Deodora-Lillà
Edmondino Calzetta: Papilloma virus
Rinaldo Hi-Han: L’odore squisito
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