Saturday, September 19, 2009

Cliff Notes Deathwatch By Robb White

salutino e Membro

E 'with great burden and honor that I greet the public stylized follower of this blog.
The keepers of that I have asked for a possible collaboration that I accept with great joy. My skills are not worthy of the gentlemen madam, but I have very good ear and a good nose sniffing out and find real gems that no stylized or even forever, and so beside the point, makes available the stylized public.

After this brief presentation I propose a reflection and exhausted listening to "the angry member protrudes, song that I have said in conversations and at times almost pleasant drawing-room, to say the barracks (forgive me the term!) with my friend Gigi who is with the maiden (which, while ending with A case of a man, which starts with my attendance has left me astonished as to be reduced for the Italian language with people of a shocking ignorance who does not know if a male child is born should be called with the O and not with A. However, this is a parenthesis here and the close lingustica). I said that, not to lose the train of thought which tend to do so much beside the point but I can not do anything, even my mom was like that, it would be good to try to determine whether the air member (as they are called this type of air that the air from the trunk to fill is to compare the exact idea of \u200b\u200bwhat makes alluded to, in short: The member refers to the male sex as well as the comparison with an allusion to the rock cliff) is punishable by a worthy and is a stylization simple and vulgar to say the baroque ariaccia baraccheggiante.
sure that many think is the fact that the air of the tunes associated with the member is to be filled, that leads to easy disconcerting to vaudeville, losing all its dignità e svilendosi di molto, ma assai di molto.
"Sporge l'irato Membro" venne scritta per il famoso castrato Giuliettina Manfrè, che essendo castrato assunse quasi da subito il nome da donna perchè NON è assolutamente vero che un castrato resta maschio a tutti gli effetti ma, come dice nel suo trattato "Un sigaro co' ciuffi" la sociologa Waldemara Capece Stroganoff: " l'omo è omo solo se ha le palle e solo con le palle si può usare il sigaro co' ciuffi, cosa che rimette al mondo quasiasi Donzella".
La Manfrè portò al successo l'aria nel breve spazio di un mattino, o meglio, nel breve spazio di una notte brava: era il 1694 (o il 1964, ma cambia assolutamente poco) e tutta Paris went crazy for her. The big girl tall, slender, tawny blond, sea-green eyes and a mustache ferret sang the air of the State in pretiosa, even though specious, Topier Pigalle Salle during the competition for Miss Trans and was delirious. The tapered legs in fishnet stockings close-colored smoke of London, with the manly hair which looks from the network, not enough to detract attention from the wrath of those present shall be sung, is shown.
It is true that the registration of the evening, I found a Porno Music Store in Amsterdam, has some gaps and you can not appreciate the full splendor stylized air: whistling, schioccchi, and hum disturb sciacquettii 125% of the registration the restante 75% viene nascosto da una voce che urla: "Ollelè, Ollalà faccela vedè, faccela toccà" il che rende esattissima l'idea del clima che si respirava nella serata.
Fermo restando che questa è l'unica registrazione conosciuta dell'aria del Membro possiamo, quindi, dirci assai ben soddisfatti della resa acustica derivante dal fatto che solo il 200% totale della registrazione è praticamente rovinato.
Non mi sento di mettere la mano sul fuoco per giurare che l'aria del Membro (Member's air, in inglese) possa poter esser definita claro esempio di Stilizzazione Canonica ( 'Stica): la Divina Pasta mai l'ha cantata e, a onor del vero, non so nemmeno se sarebbe stata in grado di produrre gli ultronei colpi of glottis allowing the Manfrè to reach swiftly and suddenly to C # at 14 ° (3-point regular) notes that so well characterizes the entire State. The accompanying Violone
with love, Viola da gamba and Arpeggione characteristics of disconcerting concert.
The edition I reviewed it for the types of Fava Records. $ 245.05. Editions exhausted.


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