pretioso inaugurate today with this article a series of articles devoted to different and / singers / and generally regarded as unworthy by the mob and saw half that sum will be analyzed with our science in these articles.
the other day rimettendo ordine tra gli scaffali dei nostri cilindri con grande mio disappunto perché quella sbadata di Mona Monda nostra serva da tempi immemori non aveva sdiragnato le ragnatele e ecco che in mezzo alla polvere trovo due dischi compatti che mi tornano furtivamente in memoria rimandandomi ai tempi in cui ebbi una lite furibonda tanto che addirittura gridai “per dincibacco” io sempre così attento alla forma e alle buone maniere dicevo litigavo con sto coglione d’un troglodita con le orecchie ripiene di merda che diceva che Padovona Luna fosse una mezza sega di cantante mentre io sostengo che avercene oggi che ci si spellerebbero le mano e staccherebbimo le corde vocali se la sentissimo in Ascensore dove ormai s’ascoltano solo gli strappi uterini slacker certain that even the world, but never mind that I run the ball just thinking about it. I said
eziandio of Luna Padovona a singer very good compared to the slime that blunts today's palcoscemici and with much regret that I regret even if I must say that from the point of view of interpreting the lady was not quite stylized enough to be heard conciosiacosacché ultornea ear are not completely stylized. This beautiful blonde big mouse was born if I remember correctly from parts of South Tyrol, and this means that it was a bit 'so terroncina but who hauls or if it drops his pants, no one answers having some reason to think that. He made a lot of mess singing the Law Bruttini of Brazil in Tokyo, and something else by the Parties in Bratislava in South Korea but now the details escape me and so is of little interest and is already so much that I sfrantechi fertile Maroni's talking about but I must say that she still a little 'I like it because for example, when we sang the rigidity of Blue ebbeh because he was not there for any of the beautiful yarns that even in its stripped Grandonnona what etsi stylized buried at the sacred field of the Sacred Gate to Florence where we stayed in gaze at the stars and so on. Etc.
Moon scatevava certainly not the tides of enthusiasm but not this always been a good solid professional singing with decent tips stilizzatezza species in acute and medium-sol SOL3 in step 7 where the item reaches a certain penetratività and also more than a few ... For example, it is a pleasure to hear in the scene of spades niche in the debutantes' ball, charming vaudeville Azzurri, in Sao Paulo in Japan since the year 1867 with the great tenor azurite Reggio Bruttibuddini ... Great cool really say our dear friend and petulant Bellacutella ...
Other times, other voices, more than half saw ... If those were half then saw what they are today what they are, in proportion? Electric guillotines ... hahaha, stilizzatamente are very nice.
Here are the plays:
Padovona Luna
of The Hard Blues: great scene of the first act of the fourth act
The debutantes' ball of Blue Air niches of spades and the scene of the lawn (with Bruttibuddini)
Cercarobe The Azzurri d'Air duet of the first act and quart 'act (with Achillini)
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