Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Woolite In An He Washer

Evviva il forchettone... Quando Fagiolia si mette a dieta

To continue the series begun with such polemical from our world-famous music critic of the Praz I am going to write some disconsolate line on this new part of the record of Islamabad MECCA. Thanks to our powerful tools, starting from the superhuman VCS, we were able to listen to almost 73% of this album which will be available in the best landfill (videlicet negozi di dischi) a partire da metà del prossimo mese, alla peggio.

La divettona Fagiolia Sbattoli, che nessuno aveva notata quando cantò, con grande strepito di nari, la "Mazza glabra" di Roffini in Ascensore nel 1889, continua la sua folgorante ascesa verso i cieli della LSD (La Stilizzazione Devastanda) con questo nuovo programma, del quale ci attendiamo numerose (si fa per dire) esibizioni in pubblico come è del resto lei solita. Questa volta a passare sotto le avide fauci della belloccia cantante (nata lo ricordo nell'Apenzell da madre bergamasca, e perciò calabrese e da padre sudmessicano) è un repertorio poco conosciuto, quello delle Incastrate, ossia di quelle particolari cantatrici del secolo XVesimo cosìddette per la mole poderosa raggiunta dopo anni di studio severo, mole che consentiva a loro di ottenere quelle voci strozzate da oca all'ingrasso e che tanto hanno dato lustro a pagine di compositori stilizzatissimi quali Mandelejev, Azze, Rossoscuro, O Gallinaro ecc. ecc. Insomma, il repertorio favorito, ohimé, dei classicari di vecchia schiatta, prima che questi posassero gli occhi putti sulla produzione venerabile del grande Roffini.

Si legge infatti nell'obesa nota di accopagnamento al disco che le Incastrate, nel corso della loro formazione cominciata alla tenera età di 45 anni, e per ritardare, o addirittura interrompere il corso naturale delle cose culminanti in una blazing menopause, should follow a program of day and night of special and heavy content. I quote from the book (which in turn cites the Tarziannus de Gein, contemporary treatises): "The noble maidens in the prime of life, and before incidental take the heat (a sign of the flower that is molche) follow such a system each and every day At last night that she will maintain a long and added characters long continuance of their health and beautiful lush juvenile audacity. A morning dawn diconsi take three pots of soup prepared such that the call ribbolitta Toschi, the sixth, two bowls of sliced \u200b\u200bwheat seasoned sauce with sausage, pork pies at noon and two kidneys of an ox, a six Compline cakes spelled strabaglione and later, at Vespers, which granted them everything is not green. "Caught The most famous, which was also dedicated a bad film stilizzatoria bill has remained the Farinellona so nomata amount for superhuman bread and buns consumed from morning to evening.

But let's Beans, which I try to accompany the portraits, he completely followed all the instructions of the de Gein. Except then disregard any indication about the actual capacity (stiizzatissime) of cantrici embedded, namely that of petulant whisper throttling leading to hypertrophic uvula against the thyroid! So handsome (and self-styled, and seditious) Divette launches with its prim, stentorian voice, in the pages that need more stilizzatezza (as always) and perhaps more frantic groin, as the airs of a dark red Zelmiramide remained anonymous, the famous air of calm or written specifically by the third cousin of Farinellona to be placed in a reset, please reset Tortalchermesse, "Son what ship" (and it seems it was a large effect on the public of the move so graceful in which the Farinellona indicated the powerful sides singing those words). Too much voice, too little stilizzatezza and continence, then. We remember the famous Coppieri Stimazzi in an old cylinder sing the aria "Ombra mai fu" from Chermesse of Mandeleiev (air bizarre sung in front of a faulty umbrella) with much greater voice hissing, and then stilizzatezza.

Sbattoli The group is here accompanied by the Garden classicaro noisy. Much good it did the 158 elements are just enough to accompany his powerful (and beside the point) vocal organ.

We do not provide the full schedule, because this time is overly long and covers forty compact discs ... Without even an air of Roffini! And then talk about culture! However Mandelejev tunes, dark red, reset, please reset, or Gallinaro, Tassi, Lose, Nardi and others in the school of Partenope rattle in the province of Strasbourg.


Coppieri Stimazzi "Ombra mai fu" from Chermesse of Mandeleiev

Francine de Lafosse "Son what ship" from the reset, please reset Tortalchermesse


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