Monday, May 18, 2009

Porcelain Tile Trowel Size


Interview grandfather

"I lived in a courtyard of 85 persons, now are all dead. "

" We lived in a house in Cesano Maderno, on the first floor, c 'were my eight brothers and my parents'

" The house consisted of a kitchen and two bedrooms: one for parents and for children, the bathroom was in the yard. "

" I went to bed with a brick heated in the oven to warm at night.

The country was very different from today: c ' erano poche case, costruite intorno alla chiesa, che è stata inaugurata il 2 Novembre 1937.

Le strade erano in terra battuta e ci si muoveva a piedi o in bicicletta.

“ Mio papà faceva il falegname con i suoi fratelli: fabbricavano i mobili.”

“ Ho frequentato la scuola fino alla 5° elementare; ero alto e stavo negli ultimi banchi.”

“ Sono stato un balilla e, prima di andare at school, we had to greet the photo of Mussolini in the Piazza. "

"At age 12 my dad sent me to do the carpenter, from 1942 to 1946."
'C' was the war and fortunately my employers , who loved me, gave me even to eat. "

" As children we played with a ball made of rags in the yard or the street, but only on Saturdays and Sundays. "

"I helped my parents taking care of younger siblings and sometimes doing the shopping. "

" When we were very hungry rubavamo fruit orchards. "

" My first new dress 's I had for my sister's wedding, 17 years. "

" In 21 years I served in the army sharpshooters in Naples and here I saw for the first time in my life the sea. A military I tasted for the first time the ham. "

“ Dopo il militare ho cominciato a lavorare nella bottega da falegname di mio padre con i miei fratelli. Lavorando giorno e notte abbiamo costruito la casa dove abito ancora oggi.”

“ Ho conosciuto mia moglie nell’ Agosto del 1954, all’ uscita dal cinema. Lei era con suo fratello e sua sorella.”

“Siamo stati fidanzati per circa 2 anni e nel 1956 ci siamo sposati. In viaggio di nozze siamo stati a Roma dai parenti di mia moglie.”

"After a year of marriage was born the first child, your father was born in 1959 and, in the ' 64, another daughter by the marriage of my children were born seven grandchildren."

"As a young man was very strong, in fact, on a bet, I pulled a 500 with his back to 40 km, just 19 years, I have also done the rounds of Cesano Maderno in with 7 bikes in hand and shoulder! "

Author: MO

Interview with mother

When were you born?

October 1, 1966

Do you have a relative who did the 2nd world war?

Yes, my uncle was part of the 'army. Lui scappava per tornare dalle persone più care. Nel rientro è stato catturato e mandato in prigione, perché qualcuno aveva fatto la spia. Quando è uscito ha fatto ancora qualche mese di guerra. Qualcuno si era salvato, ma tanti   erano  morti.

Sei figlia unica?

No, ho 2 fratelli, 3 sorelle. Litigavamo sempre.

Facevi qualcosa per i tuoi genitori?

Yes, I work to help the family. Because my father's salary was not enough, we were many and my mom was not working.

During leisure, what did you do?

played, but most of the time worked.

were in school?

Yes, but I stopped going after the 4th grade, because I started working immediately.

How did he go?

Sometimes good and sometimes bad.

How old were you when you've had your first boyfriend?

17 years.

When you get married and how old were you?

Mi sono sposata il 22/4/1989 e avevo 21.


In Puglia, a Cerignola, provincia di Foggia.

Autore: S.D.


Intervista alla nonna

Come hai vissuto la war in your childhood?

I was born in 1934. At the time of war I was little and I lived very badly. In family had a farm and it was hard going.

Where were you born? How long have you lived in your place of birth?

I was born in the province of Venice and lived there until the age of 15.

had brothers or sisters?                                                                                                                Sì, otto tra fratelli e sorelle. La mia vicenda familiare è un po’ complicata perché in realtà non siamo tutti nati dagli stessi genitori. Io sono la più piccola e sono l’unica figlia di primo letto. Poi i miei genitori     hanno divorziato  e si sono rifatti un'altra famiglia.              

Sei andata a scuola o hai lavorato fin da piccola?                                                                         Sono andata a scuola e mi sono fermata alla seconda elementare. Poi dai    12 ai 15 anni ho lavorato in fattoria, per aiutare i miei genitori.                                         

Per quanto tempo hai lavorato?

So, after working with my parents, at 15, I moved from an aunt in St. Giorgio di Nogaro, in the province of Udine, and there I worked at home.

When you met your husband?

Towards the 15 years, when I trasferita, ho incontrato Sirio, il mio futuro marito. Lui era il fidanzato di mia cugina Maria, scomparsa a causa di un incidente… era stata sfortunatamente trovata morta sotto i binari di un treno. All’inizio Sirio non mi piaceva molto, anzi provavo o un po’ di pena per lui, poi i miei cugini e mia zia mi hanno convinto a mettermi assieme e, con il tempo, me ne sono innamorata.        

Quando vi siete sposati?            

We were engaged five years, where there have been several crisis because I am me I am had to come back from my parents at about 60 km away from there, once every week but he was cycling to see me, so when I came back then we moved. It was 1955.

How many children do you have?

After a year of marriage we had our first son, Ivan (1956) and about six years later another son was born on Mauritius (1956).            

Dove avete vissuto?                                                                

Nel 1957, quando Ivano aveva un anno, per problemi di lavoro, ci siamo dovuti trasferire a Varedo ed abbiamo vissuto lì per circa 33 anni. Poi ci siamo ritrasferiti a S. Giorgio di Nogaro, lasciando la casa a mio figlio più piccolo e l’officina a quello più grande. Lì mio marito se è ammalato e nel 1999 è scomparso.                    

After the death of your husband what you've decided to do?

After the death of my husband, I decided to move to grasp, where he lives my eldest son, already moved and with three children, while the smaller one lives in Milan, newly married with a son.

What are your habits now?

Now I'm retired and live alone. Sometimes I do my bike strolls in to take advantage.

Author: GD


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